    how can you advertise that this is free when you ask for a credt card that is fals advertisinf and i am going to report you to the BBB

    0  Views: 388 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    This is a free site no one will ever ask you for a credit card I think you are on the wrong site.

    Oh NO!! Not the BBB. Bloody Big Bully!

    no credit card  here


    Hey !!!! First you are on the wrong site . Next a credit card is asked for in some places for one reason only IT PROVES YOUR AGE !!!!!!!!!! The site may indeed be free but there is a age requirement  and the credit card proves that . I can see you get a huge workout jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle. LOL !!!!! Have a great day and try reading the fine print about how and why .

    Have you made your  report   to BBB yet ? I hope you get compenation, then you can pay for brain tranplant.

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