    Why work so hard ?

    +4  Views: 792 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    Personal satisfaction in a job well done...even if no one ever thanks you!

    for selve respect

    Because that is what they pay you to do.......

    sense of pride and dignithy, character is who we are when we are all alone..

    I work hard because it's the way I was made.  It gives me a sense of purpose and accomplishment.  Now, I have to start my day...Hope you have a good one!

    Many of the hardest workers get the lowest pay and they are exploited. It is a scandal. 

    I am sure many people wonder why - of course they should if they are gettnig nunumeration for this but travelling on the underground is quite impossible these days - I feel sorry for this as it seems like they have done a days work before they get to work.  

    To pay the bills and pay for our holiday.

    Work at what you love, you never work a day <3

    Work sucks, that's why they call it work. I've done many things in my life to pay the bills, some were better than others but they all sucked. It's better to be able to get up at the crack of noon, watch TV and start drinking a few cold ones at around 4:00 PM. All bosses rot, most co-workers rot. I see red when I hear someone say they love their job and would do it for free. Riiiiiiiight.

    To forget...

    I'm stupid


    No you are not...

    Y should I get a job ?Y should I leave home and find my own place ?Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours ?Y should I clean my room ?Y should I wash and iron my own clothes ?Y should I buy any food ?

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