    I wish to speed up my computer. What programs are there and are any a free download.

    0  Views: 246 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Start by doing this: 6 ways to speed up your PC

    Tracking cookies are the number one culprit for slowing down a computer's operations. They are energy whores to put it bluntly. They use a lot of your computers resources which means wasted energy. Install AVG Free anti virus, it does not add tracking cookies to your computer and removes the cookies the paid for anti virus's ignore and leave. It will only leave the cookies that are pertinent to how you use you computer. Remove any anti virus you now use. Start menu > Control panel > add/uninstall programs > locate anti virus > uninstall

    To Download AVG Free (use the green download button)

    Next, install malwarebytes (Again, use the green download button)

    Once both are installed, delete your cookies, close all pages and restart your computer. If you know how to get into the safe mode on your computer, do that. Once in safe mode, open malwarebytes. Set it to run a deep scan. This can take hours so set it to run when you're finished with the computer for the night. When you check the report after it's finished it's scan, quarantine everything it found. Even if some of what it found is labeled a mild thread. It's still a tracking cookie you do not need. You should run malwarebytes once a week on deep scan but you have to update it before you run it. It does not auto update. Remember to delete your cookies,close all pages and go into safe mode before you run it.

    Lastly install Ccleaner. This is a computer cleaner. It cleans up the junk floating around in your computer that anti virus's do not see as threats but can slow down your computer's performance. It's also a registry cleaner and removes unused and old registry entries and repairs broken ones .This can be run daily (takes less than a minute) and will let you know when it needs to be updated.


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