    We all have submitted crazy questions and answers that are so unlike us here at akaQA. What do you deem as your craziest submission you wish you hadn't written?

    +7  Views: 885 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Where are you? I've missed you lately. 10/21/11.

    11 Answers

    With me its usually politics and animals. When I start on those subjects, I get so emotional, I cant just write a short answer I keep writing and writing. Crazy!


    Not at all Ann.....your input is great.

    Ann you are certaily NOT crazy you have so much imput on this site you dont relize this just you carry on on what you are doing xxxxxx

    Thanks both of you. I am forever doing research on governments and animals. My whole desk is littered with paper.Thats why I feel crazy sometimes, because there is so much information that I have to put together and I want to make sure that I tell the story correctly.

    I find your answers very refreshing, especially when you write about animals, Ann.

    Mine just get ignored so the writing is on the wall so to speak.... I am now questionless.

    FISH-O was you who ate my brother Phil last week!

    I don't ignore your questions, i just don't have answers for them.. :)

    I tend to pop off without reading the question correctly. I'd love to go back and change those replies....


    I read the questions twice now just to make sure, after you pointd out that sometimes you don't understand what I am saying... When I went back and checked my answers I realized you had quite the point! Ha!

    Can you imagine going through all of your answers? I am having a hard enough time dealing with all of my thumbs up...I can't give them away fast enough...they multiply like rabbits.

    Oh yes, i have a couple i would like to delete.One was for my neighbour,i asked if anyone had an Exorcism performed on them,it is a question i would not ask for myself.And a few childish ones i have asked that seem a bit silly now.         What about you Chiangmai,tell us yours ?


    I have been told the same.

    I vaguely remember that question. Thanks.

    I have done some editing in an attempt to repair some blunders I posted, but I guess the worst was the day after Mother's day I posted (in jest) "OK, All you mothers get back to work". It didn't go over well.


    I am glad I am not the only with some regrets. Thanks, Flip.
    country bumpkin

    I's unfortunate so many people get offended so easily when a question such as yours was asked. It obviously was meant to be funny. Some people have no sense of humor.

    not even one all my questions were the best...?

    19 questions, almost 3000 answers..  I need to ask more questions..

    Sometimes I answered in a haste without reading the questions thoroughly.  When I woke up at mid-night I realized I did not fully answer the questions and made spelling mistakes. 


    You are as obsessed as me!

    I have gone of the tangent many times.

    I am not sure what the question was since it has since been deleted, thankfully.  My question had to do with grammar, to the effect of "Everyone of us is or are going to the party."  Many of the members answered.  However, I cannot remember who most of the respondents were except for jenn and mycatsmom.  It wasn't so much the question that I regretted asking; it was mostly my follow-up comments to their answers that upset a few people. I guess you could say I was very condescending.  You may notice that I am more tolerant of grammatical usage these days.  I also realize that, when you are rushing to type something, you're inclined to make typographical and other errors as well.  I wish I had not submitted that question, period.




    I get clay stuck under the keys and loose the letter completely sometimes...It could happen to anyone I suppose...

    @Fishgirl---> No, just you... LOL

    I have to think of some questions to ask but I am sure they would be thought as crazy - enough trying to get the answers right or not crazy at the moment.

    I have asked plenty of silly questions but i dont really regret them, im not always in the mood to be serious, but i have toned things down a bit. One question that i asked which was stupid was - Has anyone ever drove a bus on 3 wheels

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