    Does Presedient Obama owe the Bush Administration an apology following the killing of an American Muslim Cleric, Anwar Al-Awlaki? Obama said 2 years ago that the Bush Administration was reacting to the events of 9/11.

    As an American, did Al-Awlaki have a right to due process? 

    I meant to say the Obama said that the Bush Administration was OVER-reacting to the events of 9/11.


    +1  Views: 560 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    My opinion seemed to upset "bluesman 1951". Seems Obama's blame game bleeds over to others, as well. I do wish he would explain how Bush was responsible for his loss of business. Also, the statement of Obama squandered a FEW BUCKS. It was more than a few bucks. Highest squandering ever in our history.

    6 Answers

    I am English,and I think that America delt with Al Awlaki and Binladen in the best way,unlike our government ( of what ever party) or europe who would have given them a council house to live in safley for the rest of their lives .

    Al-Awlaki did get due process,  Droned  

    No body owes Bush anything except a swift kick in the ass to get him off the edge and on his way to hell. Damn MORON BUFFOON IDIOT  PECKER  WOOD  .


    You obviously didn't see him greeting the troops that returned home. What about the coward president who evaded the draft and refuses to respect the National Anthem. Yeah... your a real piece of work. He has shown more class than that idiot Obama.

    Did he greet all the dead ones too redslider?

    Hell no, politicians say things all the time for some purpose or other. If anything, Bush owes the world an apology for going with his gut. What a stupid for the chief executative to say.

    Obama owes the American People an apology. I'm certain Bush could care less what Obama thinks.

    We are never going to agree here Mr Redslider and thats okay .  Bush destroyed my business and took something it took me 25 years to build. If you hate Obama that's fine ,I hate Bush ten times more. Bush and the word class aren't even on the same planet. Yes sir I am a piece of work in many ways ,say what you wish but you may wish to consider I am a USMC veteran and I earned the right to speak my freaking mind!!!!!!!! He should have greeted the returning troops after all he sent them to get their butts blown off. Now if  Obama squandered a few bucks so what ,we can replace that ,Bush wasted the best America had to offer  Lives and Lots of them  . You have a right to your opinion and I will defend that with my life . If Obama pisses you off, I would like you to know I am doing a Irish jig with great joy knowing you are foaming at the mouth. Lighten up sir it will all be over soon and we will all have new targets to bash .Like it or not Bush will always and forever be a Moron in my book .


    Freedom of speech is a good thing. I honor your service and your opinion. I apologize for my rant as I served also. My job as a civil servant ended with my retirement. I am a conservative and sometimes I lean a little far right on some things. Peace brother.

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