    A man in South Carolina stabbs his wife, later that day, A police officer stops him for speeding. He shoots the officer in the chest and arm. The officer lives. The judge gives this criminal 20 years in prison. Do you think this is a fair sentence?

    +2  Views: 451 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    in some states when you shoot a police officer and he dies it's an automatic death sentence the judge will put you on Death row after the trial if they find you guilty of the deed


    The officer was shot in the arm and chest, he was in hospital a long time, he lived. I think 20 years was to light a sentence for 2 victims.
    His wife, lived, don't know what set the husband off, never reported. The cop was on video, that was unprovoked. The criminal will be held in high regards in prison from shooting a cop. Pity!

    A lot of Police officers are nervous when pulling over speeders because they never know if they might be a criminal or an ordinary citizen!

    Thanks ,but at 60 there aint much life left . So my last wish and my last job is this . Glad you are okay. Thats nice to know !!!!!! Am very glad for you . I was a friend and I take that seriously to betray that is unthinkable . If I die first Ill be waiting by the bridge on the other side for her . Ten thousand years and I will still hate her . 


    You are a person of great passion! You should have been a writer,fighter pilot,DA,Judge,or politician, you could have poured that passion into something that would have benefited the masses.
    60 is middle age, you have a long time hopefully left. Please enjoy some of it.
    I hope this person has moved away, and knows to stay clear of you, even after death!

    So it was all a wasted effort on his part. Cheating bitch lived , guy who started the whole thing goes on his merry way. Cop got injured for nothing ,and the real injured party sits in jail . Bad choices yes shooting a cop bad idea . But letting those go who started this bad idea as well. I stand by my opinion if you cheat just die !!!!!!  As to respect after being kicked in the head a hundred times even the most mild mannered person will respond with lethal force. Everyone has had enough and contempt for your fellow man is the order of the day . I know I am going to explode one day ,its not a matter of if ,but when . As to time received : What I think is irrelevant, you don't seem to think its enough  so thinking you are a fair minded person I yield to your opinion . I am broken beyond redemption ,or hope of repair . My opinions are mine and perhaps one day Ill have to answer for them,quite frankly I don't care .


    I have had my heart ripped out, by someone I trusted. That pain will last a life time. Over the years, I haven't forgiven them, just moved on. He is suffering from a very bad choice. He will always suffer, he never learn from his mistakes. He just keeps repeating the same ones. He isn't charming, or good looking anymore. Harder to fine new victims. He will be alone,friendless, loveless, isolated in his Narcissistic life style. There is justice in that. My life is to precious to waste on a loser.There are to many wonderful things I want to do and see. I don't waste my time on trash. Frankly, I look at it as a blessing, I could still be with that piece of low life dung.
    It took me years to get over the hate and wanting revenge. I had to learn to think in a more productive way. I would never allow him to destroy the rest of my life, in his absence. I would never give him that satisfaction. He is nothing more than dog poop I scraped off my shoe. Nothing more. I am FREE!

    Good for you Daisy. People dont change and you let go of that hurt. By doing that it set you free and ready for a new life. That is a great accomplishment and never look back!

    Sentencing depends on the state it happened in. I frankly dont know if it was too light of a sentence. Sometimes circumstances make a man go of the deep end and maybe the judge considered the cause. Also if it was his first offense, the sentence may be appropiate. 

    I have written a book called:   IFR ATC PROCEDURES AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR FOREIGN PILOTS I was a flight instructor,qualified in any fixed wing aircraft under 12,500 lbs with a prop. I no longer fly . I have several blogs so I do write. No idea where she is but I intend to knock on every door and look under every rock until we are face to face no matter how long it takes .18 years of friendship and loyalty  and the whore never even said goodbye . I am done with this !!!!!!  Sorry to burden you with my stuff .                                  Bill


    Bluesman, you worry me. Is this woman worth ruining your life over? No. You need to let go of the burden you carry around.It is only stopping you from living the life that you were meant to live. This woman is not worth you even thinking about her.Once you let go, you will feel free as a bird and her memory will mean nothing to you anymore.

    A pilot! that is so cool. I always wanted to learn to fly a chopper.

    I got you on two, a writer and pilot!

    Have a nice evening Bluesman, are you in Santa Fe, or somewhere in New Mexico?

    Did she die?????? What did she do to put herself in harms way ???? Why did he stab her ???  Not enough information here . Best advice is not to get in the way of a man having a bad day and is pissed off at his wife . 20 years in a South Carolina Prison is nothing to laugh about .Sorry cant determine fairness with out more information . People do not pick up knives and do harm to another with out cause . Some thing set this course of events in action ,my guess is the guilty party is not in jail. That being the one who started the whole thing . My opinion is you cheat you die man or woman makes no difference . End what you are doing then move on ,no exceptions ,no excuses !!!!!! I am damaged goods what do you expect?????? No forgiveness ever !!!!!


    The report never said what set this in motion. She lived, that was all that was reported. The man shooting the cop for a traffic ticket, was unprovoked. That part was on video. He should have gotten more time for shooting the cop. All the criminal had to do was accept the ticket and be on his merry way. He made a bad choice.
    As for the woman? Who knows? There was a report a man beat his mother to death for not giving him money for vodka, with a bar stool.
    I don't understand people anymore. There is a lack of respect for life, No morals, just fulfill my desires or else!
    I'm with you. Burn in NC. What's that song? You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything? I find most people to weak. I like a strong character, MORALS!

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