    how truth are relegions?

    +1  Views: 355 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    The best thing to do is study religion as a topic and decide for yourself.  It's interesting and it's your journey.

    I think the best way to determine how right a relegion is, is to follow the 10 commandments and you cant go wrong

    keep searching till the spirit of god rests upon you,forget theology seek love and truth as well as the word of god as intended to be . don't be fooled by a name true christians come from many differant churches but belong to one,, the body of christ.. any church or person that can't admit that christ was the son of god is not a true church..

    To Study "Religion" is to study that which is unseen, yet most seen, by the understanding of things that are.  This is the very meaning of this most abused of words, the word,  "Occult."  In any dictionary Occult simply means "study of that not seen," therefore is Subjective not Objective.  Thus are all the traditions of the world, whether they accept it or  know it or not, Occult.  This, for seeking that Truth and Spirituality unseen, but most seen in mens Hearts, He who is the Prince of Peace, Christ the Love Lord.      

    Again there is only One Religion, but many Traditions calling themselves Religion.  The truth of any Tradition is indeed measured by its fruits. The word Religion means " to return to the source; to find union with the Good."  Therefore  RELIGION IS THE GOAL OF TRADITIONS, traditions are but the pathways leading to God, who is the One and only Religion.  GOD IS TRUE RELIGION for He is the virtual Source of the All.   THIS IS THE TRUTH OF RELIGION, IT IS GOD, not localized in any one tradition.  

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