    Can an employer tell you who you can see and talk to outside of work.

    +1  Views: 554 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Wrong !!!!!!!!!!!! Any job that has a morals clause as part of the job has these rights ie : Teachers ,Bank Employees, Casino Employees , positions that involve the handling of money . Positions involving children . A morals clause is part of the contract in some jobs violations are grounds for termination . Protection of intellectual property and cash or property give employers wide authority when selecting employees . Its not the same world it was and never will be again . Wake up !!!!!! 


    OK, contracted jobs, I agree. I was thinking line work or something.

    No. When he stops paying you, then he stops bossing you. Unless of course you work for the CIA or something.


    I disagree . Sorry but in many cases this is not so. Try doing this bad behavior when working at the casino, never allowed .Teachers have a morals clause in their contracts .

    Right, I responded to you on your comment. My reply does not cover contracted positions. Just general employment. I don't think Walmart cares who you talk to after hours.

    They can advice it but, I wouldn't want to upset them, employers can do pretty much what they want with what they have..........


    our state has an at will employee status. you can be fired for any thing you are an employee at will.

    My current employer told me 2 years ago that he forbids my talking to a good friend of mine that works for a competitor-- I told him that my parents passed away several years ago and i don't think they turned their job of telling me who or who not I can associate with---> to him..  I then told him that if this is the way he treats employees then i am working in the wrong place. He has never said another word to me as who I can keep as friends..  We got over that quick..  I been there now over 3 years.. Last job i was there for about 12 years and would still be there if he didn't retire and close the place. 

    only as advice!

    My employer discourages social contact with workers outside of working hours, in fact my immediate boss was called in for having lunch with myself and another worker on our day off, I made it quite clear that we are not paid 24 hours a day, don't work for the forces(who are) therefore it's none of their business what any of us do or see when we are not working, there was no contract signed when I started working there stating this, over 20 years ago, and I think they can just lump it.I think my employer,or manager has control issues, they also emailed me saying that they had apologized on my behalf on national sorry day! they were emailed back quite quickly about my views on that, must admit I am amazed I wasn't hauled over the coals on that one.I won't be dictated to in my own time.

    I work in a casino They expect good behavior all the time. But a lot of it is good sense. They do a background check before you are hired. better be squeaky     clean

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