    Would you look down on a prostitute?

    Can something like this be left in a womans past

    +6  Views: 2220 Answers: 42 Posted: 12 years ago

    kimba - yes I feel sure "something" like this can be left in the past. Many people have put far worse things into their past. Depends on the person's psyche and maybe some psychotherapy.

    42 Answers (31-42 Displayed)

    The oldest profession in the world..  There are different categories of this. 

    Call Girls, Escorts, Whores.   All prostitutes but I don't put Call Girls and escorts in the same category as whores. These are the street walkers, bar hookers, sluts, two bit whores,  etc..  There's a certain 'class' that is tied with the elite call girls and escorts. 

    My opinion is that if made legal and controlled by the state, there would be less divorces and possibly less spousal abuse.  The male has a natural instinct to propagate, made morally wrong, many males seek their instincts secretly and end up in divorce and abusing their wives due to guilt.  I really think state controlled legality on prostitution is a good thing!  Girls in the profession must have periodic health checks and carry a state issued 'license' and pay taxes like everyone else.  same for male prostitutes. Street whores should continue being arrested until they clean up their act and either become licensed or get another job..  

    I will probably get flamed for this but, I am the forum demon, I'm used to flames... LOL


    I agree with too much that you wrote...TU!

    Vinny, that's an Italian name, you look Italian too. I read Italians have hot blood. I always wondered about that, I'm not wondering any more!!
    Headless Man

    Sex outside of marriage is wrong in my opinion and will lead to suffering and regret somewhere in life

    Randy, Oh Randy.. :) That's because you live by the bible. This is ok but in modern times you need to change. You drive a car, not an ox cart, you use a computer not papyrus, you wear a shirt, not a robe. I don't live that 'sex before marriage' is a bad thing. I had sex way before i was married..! You will try out a pair of shoes before you buy it, they only last a couple years or until the next shoe fad comes around but you won't try sex before you buy it for life.. Isn't that a bit antiquated? I don't think god wants us to not have fun or not practice using our tools before we build a house.. Sex is NOT a bad thing, its a wonderful gift that we have to enjoy for life! I believe god wants us to enjoy all the wonderful things he gave us. After marriage, then sex is between you and your partner ONLY! So many good people live with such guilt for no reason other than the bible's teaching that is written for the understanding of ancient teachings that in this day, the modern world it makes no sense! I lived with my current wife for 24 years before we got married, we had sex the whole time, yet I don't feel i did anything wrong nor do i think I am suffering as a result of it.. :) Live your life as you see fit, you have your opinion but in today's world, you are a religious minority..

    Do you know I find it so strange why so many people live together for years and once they get married - they get divorced shortly afterwards.

    Not always Dopey. My wife and I lived together for 24 years before we 'tied the knot'.. We married in 2004. Do the math. we got married, personally I didn't feel any different but to her, she feels complete. I'm ok with it. Many times though i try to rationalize why we waited so long, I can only say we were too busy. We hardly ever took time off to enjoy each other, she is retired now, i still work but have slowed down the pace. You are right though, divorce does happen a lot when long time common law partners get married.

    Vinny not always you are right - but it does happen quite frequently which I find surprising what does that bit of paper do? Seems it changes the dynamics. I feel it is quite often necessary to live together before marriage.

    Dopey, the way i figure it, people live together for years, they have no door out, once they have paper one or the other can file for divorce. This makes things final- Breaking up isn't final enough, when the law is involved then its complete. This is what I think. Your mileage may vary.. :)

    Yes Vinny - During the first World War - Prostitutes were brought in to look after the wounded soldiers during the time of Florence Nightingale - women did not look at private parts in those days.

    To Dopey, You mean Ladies did not look at mens' private parts.

    Re: living together. There's a higher divorse rate among couples who live together before marriage,than couples who don't. I don't care if couples live together , but I'm just saying.....

    Vinny - wow really strong opinion going on there. How about the men getting health checks - At one hospital where I worked there were many men who came from USA to get medication and treatment. I do not split hairs - call girls, escort girls, prostitutes all the same as that terrible word you use "whores" - of course whores both men and women - girls on the street do not have the flash cars to crawl around in. Has it not been said that we are all whores.

    mycatsmom - you are right I left out the "men's"

    The word 'whore' is one of the oldest words - it is used to describe women that will have sex for money and even without. modern use of the word pretty much describes the latter. But I'm sure you know that.
    As for men getting 'checked out' I agree! If women get health checks, so should the men. Therefore, a man should also have a 'safe sex' card issued by the state. I see nothing wrong with this but on the other hand, most men probably wouldn't bother and end up looking for action illegally anyway. Like many vices, smoking, over eating, alcoholism-- it's up to the person how they live their life. Still, I see nothing wrong with sex before marriage. I see problems with 'street sex' but only as a medical opposition. But, it's their life.

    I wouldn't look down on her, but I would hope that she would find something respectable to do for a living.  If she was a former prostitute, I wouldn't look down on her b/c I would be proud that she cleaned up her act and never went back to it.

    In the missionary position, yes!

    It would depend on which position we were in

    "The more you judge, the less you love". Honore de Balzac

    I wouldn’t look down on a prostitute. There’s always a back story.

    " Never (judge) someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes! that way your a mile away & you've got their shoes."

    Only if I were at a higher elevation ...

    ... like if I was in an airplane and she was walking around in Anaheim, California, or someplace ...

    Most women who sell their bodies seem to suffer from low self-esteem and have a multitude of other psychological problems. The seeds seem to have been sown during their early childhood... I can't help but feel sorry for them; having sex with one of them is never pure enjoyment for me for it is a pleasure tinged with a feeling of guilt. I mostly just pay them without having sex for that gives me a feeling of satisfaction. Have never met a "bad" woman among them - but that may because I choose carefully.,

    Only if I was using her services. But that'll NEVER happen !

    look down, no. get past it, yes.

    I like hookers but no tricks. If they are hooking for a food, rent money, etc,etc...I will do anything I can to help them out of their situation without taking them to bed. Hooking is bartering with morals and falling prey to an inability to come up with a better way. Desperation is a tragic ruler for anyone. Then there are hookers who are professionals...who I have known and avoid if they are not in trouble. Most are just trying to trying to make ends meet and can accept help. There are women's support groups that are really great and I support any way I can.  

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