    What is a paper clip question, who as time to worry about paper clips or any other stationery items for that matter. Paper clips are two a penny or as the exrpression goes cheaper than chips arn't they

    0  Views: 317 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I feel like an idiot for not seeing this for what it was..........


    Don't feel like that! There are always people in this world trying to get away with something. Maybe I got lucky noticing it this time, but it was probably all the experience I have had with sneaky, manipulative sons who have laid guilt trips on me for over 20 years! (I love them dearly and have learned to recognize their efforts to distract me from their transgressions)

    tks, I need to learn to pay more attention...

    It was a question that begged for humorous answers and then it turned out to be serious.  Who knew.  Not I.  The dog house for moi!


    There is no way I am going to believe that question was serious. This reeks of manipulation, fish girl. REEKS!

    You are so cute. ... And I am always thinking the best of everyone. I gotta get myself some edge!

    DESSA asked about paper clips and got upset with the answers.  Posted question about why are people so unkind and referenced the paper clip question that generated exasperated, incredulous, and humorous answers.  Nobody cares about paper clips.  I am just really ticked at this person for whining about people being unkind when they weren't and aren't.  The question was absurd and people ran with it.  Dessa is trying to manipulate people.  That doesn't belong here.


    Oh I thought they were of little importance

    Paper clips have their place. lol

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