    how many words are in the english dictonary

    like any dictonary even a pocket dictonary but i would porfur a reguler dictonary a websters dictonary would be great too. And whoever anwswers this try to get it done by at least tomorrow

    +1  Views: 352 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    Is School calling lol.

    4 Answers

    "And whoever anwswers this try to get it done by at least tomorrow"


    By the looks of your spelling or lack there of, you should go buy yourself a dictionary and during your bored time, when not looking up how to spell a word, you can count the words in the dictionary.  :)



    Or what? Colleen! what will happen to us heeee

    We may never know ;)

    More than 80,000 words in A New English-Chinese Dictionary as indicated in its Foreword.

    According to Oxford/ Wikipedia. There is no single sensible answer to this question.


    Someone did say, 988968, but it is in question.

    The problem is the English language has adopted words from every language or close to it. Making it one of the largest languages in the world. When you speak, you are not speaking true English, in part it's Spanish, French, German, Native American, etc...

    Read the dictionary, look at the word, beside it will tell you where the word comes from. Latin, Greek, German, etc...

    I did read months ago there were over 500,000. words. Who knows? I don't.


    "And whoever anwswers this try to get it done by at least tomorrow"

    Bwahahahahaha!!! I'm still laughing at this demand!

    I tried to please. It wasn't an easy question.

    I just may give up with you around..... LOL

    Don't you dare! I'll miss you terribly!

    In Oxford English Dictionary, has about 220 ,000 words. But there are many different dictionarys,, so who knows.

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