    What would you do if you were single again after a long marriage and a mutual divorce?

    With no fighting, no court battles, property is equally divided. Would you be inclined to find another mate as soon as possible?

    +8  Views: 1497 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    I think I'd take it easy, being sure to be kind to myself. Rushing into another relationship wouldn't be for me either. But, everyone is different. Some people feel they need to be in a relationship almost as though it validates them as a person, others are secure in going it by themself. I guess it's an individual thing.

    ed shank

    Again another great answer.

    Find yourself.  Be yourself.  Enjoy yourself and life will fall into place just the way it is supposed to.

    ed shank

    At my age things would have to fall into place real quick.

    In that case it just wait and see. Keep an open mind Ed Shank.

    As a woman, I would get involved with community work and Animal organizations, I would not look for another relationship. But men are different , they are usually lost without   a woman in theire lives.Especially if they were married for a long time before beeing divorced.


    Boy are you right on.

    Yes we men are different, every single one of us.
    I had a dog for about 10 years and I used to take it with me when volunteering for community events.....
    Then I met her.
    She's afraid of dogs so......?
    Oh, Hello Ann!

     i think i'd start with a nice vaction to the carribian islands , maybe take a couple weeks and sort out what you want in life.. after a long marriage i think the last thing i'd do is get involved too quickly in another relationship, why not play the game for a while and enjor you new status... theirs plenty of women out their..

    ed shank

    Great answer.

    I would love to do that Carribean thing, but who can afford it ? And how do you find someone to go down there with you ? Ed, how bout it ? ;-)

    Oh man--->  I do believe I would want to take a long breather before I did it again.. Just to collect my thoughts, reason with wtf went wrong and why it didn't work and then maybe go serious mate searching.. But I don't know, maybe just a companion or two to make life enjoyable again without the commitments.

    ed shank

    As long as there's minimal baggage, I guess it might be a consideration.

    Enjoy being alone......

    ed shank

    I'm inclined to think that also.

    Solitude has it's advantages....

    I dont know what I would do , I have been with my hubby since I was 16 and I am now 46 . but I do agree with several of the answers that have been given!!

    ed shank

    I know my wife since were five years old. We are both sixty. Married her at eighteen. We've been buddies for a long time.

    now that is cool!

    I would interact with people at the senior center and participate in their activities.  I would not get into a relationship as I want to be as free as a bird after having been tied down for so many decades.

    do everything I couldn't do married, live!

    ed shank

    Can't imagine what it would feel like being alone. The life I live is so interconnected with my wife, not sure if I could even call it living.

    I have been single a long time. I do not date by choice. I love FREEDOM! Some people you can't cage. To me marriage is just that. I am more interested in books, leaning, traveling, exploring, meeting new people, I do not have to time or energy to have a relationship. I would screw it up, not meaning to of course.
    I did try and date, but men tried to control me. Tried to tell me what my interest should be. They would tell me, they loved everything about me, then try to change me. To many head games. I don't play, I have no interest in games.
    I'm like my dad, he never told my mom what she could or couldn't do. He didn't like some of her interest, but that was okay. It was hers not his! He never tried to tell her she couldn't have it.
    My dad ruined me I guess. I am stuck here in the deep south with a bunch of cavemen, you will not see them at my door. I met some really wonderful men up north. If I ever make it back up there, maybe I'll date. Maybe.
    I don't get lonely. I have friends that can not live without a partner. That was never a big deal for me. Since I have never had a true partner, I don't know what I am missing. It's hard to miss what you have never had. I do think it would be nice, have someone with to do things with. I don't think that person exist, not for me. Its like a fairytale. I can't settle for 2nd best. That's like wanting a steak and settling for a burger at Hardee's.
    I have friends who's lives are wrapped around their extended family. Some are happy, some aren't. One will not leave her husband, fear of being alone. She hates her life. She isn't living, she exist.She has wasted 20 years, out of fear. It breaks my heart. Life is to short.

    Did you listen to "I've never been to me" yet? I think you'll like it. The link is on this page.

    I'll check it out, TY!!
    ed shank

    Daisy, I've met several people through the years that echo what your saying. There are men out there that aren't control freaks and can appreciate a woman who is self sufficient, independent. I place no boundaries on my wife, she comes and goes as see pleases, although we have different interests (see loves blackjack, guess where she spends her fun time). We do however put our relationship first. I don't want a woman who needs permission from me to exist. My wife and I have many similarities temperament, ability to tolerate BS, ZERO. Many more, don't want to bore you. Sharing your life with someone you love is the ultimate high. "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". Quoting Bill S.

    Ed, I totally agree with you. I am hoping one day....

    I would be finding someone else straight away. I doubt you would need time on your own because you probably felt like you were alone for a long time prior to the divorce anyway. Do whatever you can to feel happy again-lifes too short.

    Learn to make your on bed.

    ed shank

    Believe it or not, I make the beds every morning.

    While I would not be actively seeking another relationship, I would be open to the possibility. It sounds like we divorced because we just weren't into each other anymore. I would be like a kid in a toy much to see and do; what do I do first?
    I would want to be active....bowling, golf, tennis, dancing, bicycling, swimming, hiking. 
    I would want to take some enrichment classes: painting, pottery, jewelry, guitar, harmonica,  banjo, flower arranging, cooking, fly fishing.
    I would want to lighten up on the "stuff".  Have a yard sale, call AMVETS....just go more barebones with the stuff.  Get my photos onto DVDs.
    I would want to take a couple of mornings or afternoons each week to do some volunteer work.  Join a Bible Study.  Do some short trips.
    I would want to take college courses in writing, literature, history, religions, law courses, counseling courses.
    I would want to go to movies, concerts, plays.  I would want to try acting and modeling.
    I would want to spend time with family and friends.
    It would be so nice to have a husband to share some of this with, but taking time to enjoy being with myself is important.  It might be more fun to have different friends for different activities. 
    I've been single since 2003, after 16 years of marrige.  It was hard the first 18 months; Then, I got involved in a disastrous relationship for about 4 years, and have pretty much been alone for the past 3 1/2 years.  At first I didn't want to marry again, but now I do. 
    ed shank, you have a great marriage.  Why are you asking this question?


    You go girl! I always wanted to go to Russia to see the nutcracker! And in New York, Check out the museums in England and see everything that's band for Americans to see. I'd want to go (I think it's Norway) that has a hotel made of ice in winter. I want to shop in Turkey, and ride an elephant on tour in India, check out the pyramids in Egypt.
    I also would like to fly a helicopter!
    ed shank

    Not asking this question for any particular reason. Just came to mind, great responses though.
    Thanx Guys.

    PKB, all that stuff sounds fun. Where does one find a person to do all that stuff with . I have to go to resturants and movies by myself. I see other people there by themselves

    I think Daisy, mycatsmom, and I need to go on a road trip. Daisy, how about a hot air balloon ride over Africa? My mom used to do alot of traveling. That was one of her favorite experiences.
    mycatsmom, I don't know where to find a person to do all that stuff with. I go alot of places alone, too. Usually I'm OK with it, but going to a club to hear a band is awkward. I have a friend who has been bowling with me since March and we've been to the golf course a few times, but we are not a couple (darn).

    Not for at least 4 years stay single.

    ed shank

    I think I'd be gun shy and say never again.

    i would try to learn to be myself again.

    I feel sorry for those of you that feel tied down by marriage, I feel free as I want and so does she, we enjoy doing things together but can do as we please on our own.

    ed shank

    Randy I agree totally. Freedom to come and go as you please is one of the major reasons that I believe we are still together. Not running her life is another. Somethings working, 42 years and I still like her.

    When you're newly divorced, you don't know who you are. Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire. Join a Christian singles group. There's some pretty decent people there, and not as many drunks as in other singles groups.

    ed shank

    Sounds like you may be talking from experience. I have no divorce in my future. I am blessed with a good life and wife. Thanx for responding.
    Headless Man

    My wife and I started up a singles group, got married, found out although we were not attracted to each other after a year we decided we loved each other, God put us together.

    I would think after a failed marriage, good or bad ending, I would have lost myself somewhere along the way. It would be a time in my life spent redefining who I am and figuring out what I would enjoy and want to fill my time with. relationships could come later on once I felt more grounded within myself.

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