    how do i deal with someones anger?

    +3  Views: 618 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    You don't. You walk away and keep walking. If this someone wants you in their life, they will get some help with their temper and get it under control. Temper fits are childish and show a lack of respect for oneself and for the person they direct their temper at. You have to tell yourself, and believe it, that you are better than that.


    thats right. and God said ; get angry but do not sin. so walk away before you open your mouth and sin. not only that it takes a bigger person to walk away from a fight than to fight. but dont you stand there and let someone beat you down. sometimes you have to fight. you just have to know when. and thats when they lay hands on you, then you kick butt.

    Do not take it personally....


    'that great advice, jhharlan. I'll try it.

    It's a hard lesson to learn, huh?

    walk away.


    Works all the time.

    You didn't give enough information for me to think of an answer. How old are you? Are they a parent? A spouse? A friend? A neighbor? 

    At this point I'll just have to say don't argue back and like others say WALK AWAY.

    Dont ever deal with someones anger, i know this sounds easier said than done-especially if you love the person, but it wouldnt be fair on you to keep allowing this to happen and they will continue to do it if you let them. Walk away and if you do have strong ties to the person then give them the ultimatum of getting themselves some anger management help and you may be willing to give them another chance. Dont listen to the words - I promise it wont happen again cause i can guarantee you it will.

    First of all stay very calm, take a deep breath then  kick there ass. Just kiddin go with Colleen's and Kimba's answer.

    I'm a walk away and never look back person on this one....and then of course I throw in a bit of meditation as soon as possible.

    It depends on who is angry with you and why he is angry.  Some people are dangerous when angered.  Some are emotional and weep.  Some just need to let off steam. 
    I have set aside anger for the most part and couldn't feel better about it.  Nowadays when someone is angry with me, I ask for clarification and take great pains to listen and hear what is being said. 
    I don't offer a defense or turn the table and point a finger back at the one who is angry.
    When I get to speak, I try to  reiterate what my adversary has said, NOT offer excuses and NOT turn the focus from my indiscretion to my adversary.  If an apology is necessary, I will apologize sincerely.  If I don't think an apology is due, I try to remain polite and let the person n be angry. I acknowledge their feelings and their human right to have the angry feelings. 
    I then stay away from the person until we both have cooled down.


    thats a great answer Bob/PKB I agree sometimes people do need to let off steam, always good to acknowledge their feelings whether you agree or not, sometimes difficult to remain calm yourself,but often worth the effort.

    Leave the area. If they follow, punch them out, cold.

    Just walk away and dont argue, because it only makes it worst. I hope it is not your boyfriend or husband. If it is, tell them to take Anger management classes.


    good answer Ann xxx

    be kind to them

    As everyone has said walk and keep walking life is too presciuos too get into heated anger and no doubt you would come of worse

    a  soft word turn away wrath

    Gentle words can calm down the heated atmosphere.

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