    Do you know a very scary place. It could be a house, a building, place on the roadway. I don't mean that the stairs are breaking or the pavement is cracked ... I mean HAUNTED.

    I will tell after I read a little. I believe I can stand your hairs on end and give you the flesh of a goose.

    +8  Views: 727 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    My house if you're over sensitive to spirits.... (I'm not...)


    Mostly "bumps in the night..." but my housemate has awaken to them (3 girls) many a time and guest have run into them as well. I'm not sensitive, I just hear them, never see them and I'm here by myself most of the time. My animals are aware of them though....

    I have been "followed" all of my life.. It made no differance where  I was.... However, when I moved into my grandfathers house, things changed... The "whatever" was more prevalent. Moving things, pushing pulling, turning lights, phone ringsing, tv off and on and changing chanals... LONG story!

    My duaghter was a baby in the house I built with my hubby, and her moblie was wound while we where in the living room. We could hear it click click clickc click...  Ihad a prayer team come and onoint my house. I really scared me when it was happening to my kids.

    My kids have seen ppl in there rooms that were not here.... I dont see anything anymore but feel something occationally

    So in short I think ppl are "haunted" as well as places.


    Oh yes, Jenn. I'm no longer haunted by places or spirits but my twenties and thirties were just full of it.

    This may sound strange. There is a place where you can go, within the perimeter of where you live that vibrates differently than every other space. That is where the spirits need to go.
    Strange and true.
    They need you to point the way.
    I can't tell you why because I don't know why.
    I do know that this happens to certain people at different points in their lives...
    Oh gee...I joke about aliens and I am writing this down.

    Many years ago we rented a house where a man had killed his wife's lover. The lover was in the marital bed in HIS own house. He stabbed repeatedly. We rented the place from the wife's mother. She said nothing about the event which had happened a short time before.

    There was lots of mysterious sounds of glass breaking and a wind blew down the hall where there was no window. Our dog barked his head off at odd times.

    The kids were freaked out and so was I and my dh. We found out about the murder about 3 months after we moved in. The guy was stabbed in the Femoral Artery and spurted blood ALLLL over the house. We stayed in the house for two years but no one was happy. It was a bad feeling.

    I see and talk with spirits. The scary ones are folk who are trapped in an experience that they have not accepted as their own death. They are invested into a series of events that have an unacceptable result and need time to work it out in their own thinking…so they go over and over the same series of events that lead to their death but that was not acceptable so back into the circle of logic. I can see them and hear them and talk to them. I watch them in their cycle for a while and then start to get their attention and talk to them. This is a dangerous thing to do because their whole reality comes through into events in the present that can be similar to what was occurring  in their time until they accept their own death and spirit form. So if you are trying to clear up a car wreck event, the being may have such strong memories of the event that the event will merge into the present and produce similar results.  Maybe you have noticed how your car will seem to lurch toward the ditch along a stretch of road when the weather is overcast and 58 F on a Friday night at 1:00AM? Well it isn’t always that the pavement is irregular there. 


    Absolutely, robertgrist. My husband went out with the coroners to pick up a girl who was killed when she ran into a big tree along a spooky stretch of road.
    She'd been drinking. After he took her back to the coroner's office, he came home and fell asleep about 3AM. He awaked shaking and sweating I asked him what was wrong.
    He said "I heard that girl SCREAMING" (My husband is not a wooo wooo person.)
    As you say, "The event merged into the present"
    I will say more about this road that she drove on a little later.

    I never used to believe in ghosts and spirits, until I was staying at a hotel in Chiangmai, Thailand.  The room was so haunted I heard people laughing within the same room the entire night.  I was so spooked I had the lights on all night and yet I was unable to sleep.  That was one of the longest nights for me, ever.


    Are you going to Chiangmai?
    Very scary ... and now you are a believer.
    I lived above a mortuary and in the walls I heard animal sounds.
    The place that I lived in was gorgeous ... downstairs was nice too but I didn't like to go down there.

    I am going in early November. I determined that the ghosts that night were friendly. Didn't try to hurt or scare me. I was just spooked. Kinda like in your case too, itsmee.


    I lived in a house where there was a murder. The ghosts or spirits that were in that house caused much unhappiness to me and my family.
    I am a haunted person, I think.

    I have a distant relative who lives in Thailand and prospers. I wish I knew more about his life there and how it is. Are you REALLY going to have two maids? Will you be leaving akaqa behind? : - (

    I'm going to have to do a search.

    I am just going to visit Thailand in November. We're going to move in early 2013. We have to tie loose ends after our son graduates first.

    Yes, 2 maids. I grew up with more help when I was very young. It's not out of the ordinary there.

    akaQA is as close as a mouse click away. I'll be around.

    I visited "Boggo Road Jail" in   Brisbane Qld. after it was closed down.The entire experience creeped me out.


    Just the very name stands my hair on end!

    spent a night in a local jail cell.. that was as scary as place as any.


    What did u dood, dude?

    I'll bet it was the same thing my cousin did. He blamed me and I had not one thing to do with it.

    mistaken idenity..

    I have found that suicides produce strong hauntings.  AND HOW!

    There are supposed to be a ghost or two in the Warden's house down at Port Arthur in Tasmania, apparently a lot of violence happened there, when it was a penal settlement for convicts transported from Britain. Myslf . i don't believe in ghost's, spirits etc. i guess thats why i enjoyed the ghost tour they have there at midnight.


    Yeah yeah ... They won't bother you. You don't believe in them. I dare you - try it again.

    By the way, are you near Tasmania? Tasmania!!??

    I live on the AUSTRALIAN mainland , tassie is an island state approx 8 hours by ship from Melbourne. i have to drive across to Melbourne from Adelaide, another 8 hours by road. YES i would do it again it was great to do a tour of the old prison, and to watch people scream, when thier imagination got the better of them.

    There was a pond on the outskirts of our town. On one side were the Black Hills of Salinas, Valley Ca. I believe they were called the Gabilans. John Steinbeck wrote about them.

    There was a small  2 acre pond off the side of the road, My husband got a coroner's call to go out there. I went with him. We past an old farm house and then went along the dirt road. There were lots of sherrif's cars and many coroner's cars. Their lights were all flashing red, white, & amber. Men were running around with big black bags.

    There were three fishermen in the four feet water. The teenager fell out and his dad went in to get him. The Pampas grass grabbed the two and they struggled. Then Grandfather went in to get his son an grandson. They were all taken down by the grass. Their waders didn't help the situation.

    The night birds swooped and screamed over the scene. The trees were skeletons against the sky. The bodies were put in the black bag and the sherrif and a coroner car drove off with all of them.  The sun went down fast that night.

    I can kinda hear those birds scream still.

    The girl that screamed after death ran into the tree right across the road from this scene.

    and that's not all...

    Yep, I used to live in the woods ... I know the sound. I think they are really noisy when they're in love. (ha)

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