    Why were jewish childfren killed during the Holocaust?

    +2  Views: 1397 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    Hitler was obsessed with creating a pure aryan race. He unfortunately killed anyone that did not fit into his expectations, including children. He was a  mass-muderer.


    By proxy!

    Had to throw one of my Jewish neighbors out of my house several years ago. He actually said Hitler was justified in his action towards the Jews, insane thinking especially from a Jew. I was born in Germany and had to set this idiot straight.


    Physically I hope?

    Strange. Are you sure he was jewish?

    This is weird.. I am going to go out on a limb and say he was a young person. In USA schools they don't teach this. Also, there's so much undercover dislike of Jews from the left. I would certainly have no problem believing he is not the only Jew (by blood) in his opinion.
    ed shank

    No, not forcible ejected from the house. He is without question a Jew. He was approximately 65-66 at the time. I shared this with several other neighbors also Jewish and they were appalled to say the least. Imagine a Kraut having to set a Jew straight on the worst slaughter in modern history.

    I was going to say "ironic" but when you think about it, it's more "pathetic". :-(

    Shame on him for betraying his race.

    Not only children, but women, the elderly, the Let's not forget any of the 6 million executed because of of their race. Not only Jews, the mentally challenged and any person that spoke negatively against Hitler or the Third Reich. The killings were so often that a 'final solution' was created due to the cost of ammunition and time. Hence the Gas Chambers.  A very sad time in world history.  Never blame the German people though , there were the SS these were the ones that carried out these atrocities, they were the feared.  The Wehrmacht (German soldiers) or the German people were not to blame for this; a misunderstanding that still goes on today. It was Hitler, and his right hand man Himmler and his staff. 

    ed shank

    Vinny, "Most" Germans were unaware of what was happening, but many in the vacinity of the camps knew something was going on. They witnessed hundreds of thousands of people going into the compounds and no one coming out. They knew.

    It is very hard for me, to go back and remember. Those were the darkest days of our lives. You are right. Hitler did not just kill jews, but anyone who spoke out against him. We lost family members who were trying to warn people, how dangerous hitler was for Germany.That was the first time, we knew, that concentration camps existed and was mainly filled with jewish people.I still shudder to think what went on in there.Hitler unfurtunately took the easy way out, instead of beeing hanged, like he schould have been.

    I agree with this Ed, they knew something, I also imagine that word and rumor reached the big cities in Germany as well, realizing their cities were being flushed of all jews, they had to wonder where they were going. The issue here is 'fear' these people knew something was up, they also knew that they would end up arrested and/or dead if they spoke up. Who would they speak up too??? Like in Iraq, you had a country that praised Saddam, they kissed his hand, then when he was captured there was a big celebration! Fear brings ignorance. For this i do not blame the people. I believe anyone would do the same under the same circumstances.

    Because Europe was in the hands of power crazy madmen.

    because Hitler wanted to get rid of ALL the jews; and that includes children. Don't blame all the German people. This was just one paranoid schzophrenic. And his men and the German army had to do his bidding, or they would be killed, or worse. And remember , he killed  plenty of Polish adults and children and other ethnic groups.

    ed shank

    Glad you said "all". Some knew.

    paranoid ???...Or just one hell o a man who was a PURE EVIL MEGLOMANIAC??...Hmmm!

     Murder is always for a reason that the perpetrators have convinced themselves (AKA Believe) that their actions are justified. Prejudice is a dehumanizing belief. Racial and group fear is also prejudice. Exclusiveness( not that group) and inclusiveness (our group only) are both prejudicial considerations. We ( all beings living and dead ) are all children of God.   

    Because Germany sold its soul to a human Devil and like Faust sold his to Lucifer for power which was a lie that destroyed them both some F.Y.I Hitler was half Jewish he betrayed his blood and race by his final solution he killed 6.000.000 million Jews and other people of Europe he hated them all most as much as the Jews 5.000.000 million the grand total for his madness is 11.000.000 million all together :( this makes you want to weep!!""


    The story of Hitler is about a child like mind that was directed through hypnosis by the alien leader of the Ilumenata to perform evils beyond imagining and take full credit for directing the expressed atrocities. The argument that a persons moral will determines their actions is a lie expressed by those who continue to to accept that little provision to allow their on-going meddling where they do not belong. This face is the poster child of hypnosis.
    ed shank

    My grandfather spoke out against Hitler. He was whisked away one night, and two weeks later my grandmother was told he died of Pneumonia. Body was never returned for burial.

    Over 250 family members died in those camps. My grandmother was scrawled (tattooed) with a number on her arm. Digging out the facts was infuriating and knowing the people who were involved in that.
    ed shank

    My very first interview for a 9 to 5 job was with an old Jewish man. After the formalities he asked where I was born, I responded, in Germany. Up until then the interview went well and I was certain I had the job. Suddenly he pulled up his arm sleeve and began cursing at me and demanded I leave immediately. The numbers were still very clear on his arm. I'm not sure if I would have reacted differently if my family were all murdered by the Nazi's. I don't know if they were, but it was later obvious that this man suffered immeasurable pain at the hands of this madman.

    This period in history has bothered me and I can't stand Nazi's or him I look at photos of Jewish people my family have many facial features eye color hair I would like to do the DNA heritage test just to know beyond just having a hunch about this
    ed shank

    Whovin, history has a way of repeating itself. Who will be the next Jew?
    ed shank

    Some years ago I read an article about the camps. Some survivors claimed that there were American black servicemen among those eliminated by the Nazi's using the same methods towards the black as that of the Jews and so called undesirables. It was no secret that Hitler had a hatred towards the black race. The German translation he commonly used means "Less than human".

    Because they were Jews, gypsies, witnesses and other lower forms of life...(in the eye of the bad guys)

    Sorry too say yes a great book to read to help sort out life...Anne Frank the Writer | An Unfinished Story


    His actions were not known at the time by many others in the world.  Such actions still haunt souls today, and spawn other hate groups worldwide.  Imagine if that mind was put to good, it could have been such a benefit to mankind! 


    actually, I believe some did know

    Evil people do evil things.......

    Children grow into adults.  Adults marry and reproduce.  Eliminate those who can reproduce and you eliminate the entire sector of humanity.  


    I tried to catch you on FB. You shut down on me... You owe me an email, guilt intended.....

    Great answer by the way.........

    EXHAUSTED. Have not had a minute to myself in the past 8 days, and there is no respite in sight, but I will email you today! Right now.

    I know you have got to be wasted. Wish I could help. Get some sleep and drink some low calorie wine first.....

    have a meeting with the ex and my youngest son and am not looking forward to spending time with either

    Wish I could hold your hand...I'd root for you! Goodnight P.B. Let me know all!

    I highly recommend visiting the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC or going to the website- there should be books to purchase that will tell the full story.


    true but sad story DOO, So evil!

    and the Museum is extremely moving!

    In response to other posts, Judaism is not a race; only in the eyes of those who don't know any better. Such a remark is often considered anti-Semitic. Are you members of the "Catholic race", the "Protestant race", "Moslem race", "Hindu race"....? Same thing!  ""   ""

    The seeds of prejudice are born in ignorance and fear.

    Click here>>

    I wonder how the modern people of Germany feel, about there past history ? Young ones I guess Dont think about it  ,older ones in there seventy`s might recall ." Holocaust " a call to Conscience !

    ed shank

    I've been to Germany many times over the years as I have considerable family there and through out Europe. The subject of the holocaust is forbidden, they either play stupid or attempt to justify the reasons why so many turned a blind eye to murder. I was told in very strong terms that the subject will not be discussed again. Young people do not discuss this topic either.

    The people that I know who are German living in Germany talk about the Holocaust. They took me to the Holocaust Museum in Berlin which puts things into clear perspective. It truly is a dark and completetly tragic part of human history. These Germans, that I know, are ashamed. go to this and see for your self

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