    Wats the best way to get skinny girlfreind

    +1  Views: 482 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    What's wrong with the other ones......skinny neither means "cute" nor healthy....people are people no matter what their physical'll learn this as you go along....(:


    You are the Man!
    ole hipster

    Actually fish girl....I am the woman!....sorry but I guess the ole hipster moniker throws a lot of folks!

    My appologies. You are the Woman! I tell my girlfriends they are the Man! It's a Canadian thing! Everyone is the Man!
    ole hipster

    No need to apologize fish girl! I could care less....I am actually a 62 year old female posing as an old hippy under the name of ole hipster!....(:

    I just think you are awesome...but you know that already.
    ole hipster

    By the by fish father was French hello there kinsister!

    Stop meeting girls at the all-you-can-eat buffets.  No Costco, either. 

    Your strategy should be to shop at Whole Foods'  Vegan section. 

    You surely are constricting yourself  for no good reason!   Why not sample the whole buffet instead of just the salad bar?   You may very well find that you like a variety of tastes, once you have tried them!!   Don't box yourself in, be open-minded and enjoy the gifts that every individual woman has to offer.  Don't be so small,...expand yourself,  &  for your own good!   If not,  just know that absolutely  all women can do without you,  so it would behoove you to pay attention here.

    Hey, I have an idea! Why not call yourself deathpool because skinny girls only like insecure guys who call themselves things like deathpool.........oh wait, I see you've tried that and are still looking for a skinny girl. OK, let me go work on another idea. I'll get back to you. ;)

    You "get" a skinny girlfriend the same way you "get" any girlfriend. 
    Good personal hygiene (like bathing regularly, keeping your hair clean, brushing your teeth)
    Dress neatly (not even a skinny girl wants to see the ass end of your tidy whities while you are wearing your baggy jeans)  Stained, dirty clothing is not attractive
    Speak intelligently (you will have to work on this one, but don't give upj)

    Don't be a smartass or troublemaker.  Don't harass or be suggestive, rude offensive  to people (particularly girls....all girls). 
    Treat EVERYBODY with courtesy and respect.  You don't have to be a door mat, but you don't have to be the stick that beats the rug, either.
    Remember that everyone has feelings; those feelings may be fragile.  Don't be throwing rocks at people's feelings (you can figure out what I mean by that)

    Oh, one last thing........grow up a little more.  You don't sound mature enough to handle a relationship with a skinny girl yet.     Or a chubby girl.......or any girl for that matter.

    You have to be joking.



    This is just hilarious.
    My husband just told me not to pee myself!

    Depends!!!! Hehehehehe!

    Costco! I am on my way!

    Go the beach.


    Oh good one...It's getting cold here...what am I talking about...we only have 10 days of summer. Beach time is practically non existent...Hey! This guy could be my neighbour.

    It's spring down here and it's like summer. Tomorrow morning we are going to the beach!

    I like  thin women with tight boobs and a little butt..  But that changes later, so my way of thinking is pick 'em thin when young, they'll ripen later..


    Vinny you are a firecracker!

    I prefer something stronger than a 'firecracker' how about a 105 Howitzer?? LOL

    You become skinny first.

    Why not give a healthy girl a chance. I don:t know how old you are but sometimes when larger girls get older all that baby fat turns to hottness ask my husband!!!!And the skinny girls get wrinkled and tired looking....


    This is so true!

    Feed he something, anything that's good.................

    FISH-O are still awake...

    I hear the bed calling but I slept really late this a.m. A couple of answers and I'll turn in. What time is it where you are......?

    Oh shoot! I went to bed and didn't get a change to answer this. I have been awake for half the night....insomnia is my friend...productivity is my only answer for this.

    you really want a skinny girl? try the bone yard. ha ha ha ha

    Stop feeding the fat one you have now.

    Move to Somalia.

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