    I am costruting a family house.Intereyar work is due.and i want reduce the inteiyer i can do it.give me advice.thanks

    +1  Views: 874 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    The material costs are pretty much the same no matter what you do . Buying with out a contractor mark up may save a little .If you took all the trades and figured the cost of each electrical plumbing drywall finish work paint ,cabinets and trim ,carpet.Keeping in mind all must be up to code and a inspection is required at the end of each phase . Doing some or all of this work will save a little .There are clauses that say some work must be done by a lic. contractor for insurance purposes. Just isnt much leeway for do it yourself work any more . Frankly its better to let a pro do it anyway .If you dont know what you are doing and try to hang drywall with a friend ,you can kiss that friendship goodbye . 5/8 drywall on the ceiling is not for amatures. It was my trade for years so I do know what I speak of .

    Forget reducing cost, just make sure of your source. You get what you pay for!

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