    Do you say prayers with your kids at night?

    If so what one??? Or do you pray differently everytime?

    My son is 15 my daughter is 11 we have said prayers with them every night even on the phone or in a note left with them, if we have to.

    Same prayer every night:

    Now I lay me

    Down to sleep

    I pray the Lord

    My souls to keep

    May angles watch me

    through the night

    And wake me in

    The morning light...

    I love you God

    Thank you Jesus

    God bless everyone


    We had to bless everyone because we would be praying for hours about ppl everywhere and the frogs and puppies ect...LOL

    +2  Views: 640 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Hi, Jenn.  That is basically the same prayer I taught my sons and said with them for a number of years.  It is basically the same one my mom taught me!  I have a plaque hanging in my room that my sister and I had as kids, with a little child kneeling beside the bed and the words to that prayer (a variation) underneath.  
    God blesses you abundantly. You are amazing to share that with your children every day no matter what.
    Now I lay me down to sleep.
    I pray the Lord  my soul he'll keep.
    When in the morning light I wake,
    Help me the path of love to take.
    And keep the same for my dear Lord.
    Bless  (mommy, daddy, brothers, et al).  Amen


    That is beautiful... Just like the sweet soul who shared it!

    Just like the sweet soul who reminded me of it.

    if i had kids i would most definately pray with them as well as read the bible

    hi i dont have kids becouse i am onlay 14 whean i go to pry i say bismillahir rahmanir rahim

    al hamdu lil lahi rabbil alamin arrahmanir rahim

    malki yawmiddin

    iyyaka na budu wa iyyaka nastain

    ihdinas siratal mustaquim

    siratal ladhina an amta alaihim

    ghairil maghdubi alaihim


    in the name of god most benevolent ever merciful all praise be to god lord of all the worlds most beneficient ever merciful king of the day of judment and there is more to say i chant discribe in english that good i say thais to my nice she doesent live with me so i wish god look down on her and watch her a sleep

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