    What is the purpose/goal in KARMA?

    Karmanians believe that people are reincarnated over and over correct? And a good karma report card will give them what?? More money, more friends, more sex? What is the purpose for karma?

    +1  Views: 1667 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: karma

    That is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to one. I don't see asking a question to expose truth and error as ridiculing. In fact, the bible teaches us to reprove and rebuke with all longsuffering. Do you think Jesus was ridiculing the Jews when He told them that they were of their father the devil because they would not believe in Him?


    "let's keep our faith and beliefs to ourselves only."

    Huge problem there brother double, Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all things that He has spoken. How did you become a Christain double? I bet somebody preached to you and did not keep their beliefs to themselves, right?


    Either one is saved by Jesus Christ (Christian) or one is not. You just told me that you are a Christian and now you say you cannot trust the bible. This makes no sense to me. The only place a Christian is defined is in the bible by Jesus Christ Himself.


    Well I am glad you are a Christian brother, I have spoken with some Chrsitians on here about salvation and they seem to believe that all roads lead to Heaven. When I show them Jesus Christ's words they just call me some names and fade away. What do you think these words of Jesus Christ means if not that all roads do not lead to Heaven???


    Jhn 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Jhn 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.


    Read the gospels for yourself me friend. God bless you, I must go to bed. Hope to talk more with you soon. At least you have not called me any names and seem willing to investigate what I am saying. Read the gospel of John and then decide.


    friend of god, although i am christian also, i hate the way you deal with people, god taught us to love, not to ridicule others, no religion is pure, including ours; why? because of the worshippers; not pure, not perfect. colleen can also make up a thread and ask "what is the purpose of christian worshippers; if they can sin as much as they can and at the end of the day ask jesus to wash it all away?" she can make up as much threads as she likes about christians, but does she? no she doesn't; she knows how to respect peoples beliefs.


    let's keep our faith and beliefs to ourselves only.


    okay, so it's not 'ridiculing' i should've chosen a better word, never mind. pointing 'truth and error' you say, HOW do yOU know what the 'truth and errors' are, tell me , well i know you'll say you believe in the 'bible' which with exceeding evidence was translated and interpreted by numerous humans like US, so it can never ever never be complete truth.


    So this also gives the right for colleen to believe in what humans before her have told her about Karma and reincarnation.


    she can never know the genuine truth also, so how about leave her to believe what she wants and you stop saying your religion is the truth and all others are not, because christianity is not purely perfect, like it's book


    uhhh, again with the posting, okay how about this; you are entitled to teach your relatives, friends and whoever thats "interested" lets repeat "interested" but leave out the ones who are already strong in their "other beliefs"


    My family taught me christianity as they are christians, and i love them for it as it has opened my mind on how stupid religion can be sometimes and corruptive to the mind which could lead to damage to "other" humans.


    so your telling me your trying to preach colleen into our religion, all i see is you attacking her beliefs. i am seeing no love or honesty or geniune truth or inviting words that you are expressing to her.


    isn't that how we should invite people to a religion?


    i believe in most of the bible, the good things such as 'love thy neighbour' i believe in jesus but i can't see him as a 'son' of god, now don't get me wrong i am not being on the muslim side, i just believe he is a messenger sent for us humans and not a 'son'. i have discussed this with my family, they tell me as long as i see him as a saviour and do good in my life, then only time will show me the truth. and i stick to that


    okays good night :)


    mortality complex???????


    It helps with the mortality complex!

    19 Answers

    The purpose of most definitions is to keep its believers under subtle control

    "Hording. Having more of something than you actually need and could ever use on your own. "

    How do we know where the bad karma line is so that we may avoid it?

    I have many things I do not need. Cell phones, DVD's, TV's, CD's, way too many dishes, pots and pans. And clothes!!! And shoes!!! How many clothes and shoes do you have that you do not need?

    This karma thing really sounds hopeless!

    Anyone who REALLY' thinks' will reason that for re-incarnation to be true it must be a highly ORGANIZED event that requires an ORGANIZER that has an intelligence and ability far greater than any human (and that lives forever as it has apparently been going on almost forever!) YET Buddhist belief is that there is no God!! (This 'Karma' just 'happens'!!)
    An example of the stupidity of 'KARMA' is that when there is a natural disaster such as the recent terrible events in, eg, Japan, people are saying that these people are receiving 'Karma' for being so cruel in WW2!! Why is 'Karma' so weak that it cannot punish the ACTUAL perpetrators who lived 70 or so years ago during the war and so unjust that it apparently punishes thousands of totally innocent people generations later. I find it amazing that people have no reasoning powers and blindly follow these beliefs because they are 'popular' or the status quo.



    "Why is 'Karma' so weak that it cannot punish the ACTUAL perpetrators who lived 70 or so years ago"

    It will. All debts from this lifetime will be paid in the next lifetime.

    "when there is a natural disaster "

    How do you know they all did not owe a debt from their last lifetime. God plans our life exactly as it needs to be. Isn't it possible he set the course for all those people who owed a debt to be right where they needed to be to pay back the debt? Perhaps they each did something horrendous in their last life to deserve the level of learning they got. It's how karma works.

    Are you just choosing to not understand or are you really this slow on the uptake? I'm tired of playing your game. I do not have a religion. Religions are bad and close people's minds off to other things and the fact that God gave many avenues back to Him.

    You're going to be mighty surprised when you get to heaven at the amount of souls there. Not all here are creating bad karma. Some are on their last lives. You just don't need to know who they are. It's not your business.


    Look around Colleen, there are none. All are sinning. Nobody is perfcet.

    Sin and karma do not equate. Karma sends no one to hell. This is why sin does not work with reincarnation.

    Either way, there is none perfect, not one. If you find one, invite them on this board so I can meet them.

    Careful, if your mind gets anymore closed off, it might implode.

    I never said, a last lifetime meant perfection. One does not have to be completely perfect to remain in heaven. Perfection can be achieved there. Some karma does not need a lifetime to pay for.

    My mind?

    Look around you Colleen. Not one perfect. Do you know of any?

    I added to my last comment. I really have no patience for your trivial arguing so I'm responding quickly then thinking I should add a bit more. There's no sense in any of this back and forth. None what so ever other than you like playing the annoying Christian and looking down on others beliefs. Ugh. How do you stand yourself?
    "I have many things I do not need. Cell phones, DVD's, TV's, CD's, way too many dishes, pots and pans. And clothes!!! And shoes!!! How many clothes and shoes do you have that you do not need?"

    What would Jesus do? His ways work for you. Use his logic.

    Now stop being ridiculous.

    It's only hopeless for those who refuse to be responsible and accountable for their own actions. Even then it's not hopeless with lifetimes of perseverance. No one graduates school after only going to kindergarten.

    Just trying to make some sense out of this reincarnation theory. If karma and reincarnation were true, so far only Jesus has been able to enter into heaven since He is the only person ever to live a perfect bad karma free life.

    This is what is depressing about your religion, there is not one living example of someone who is on there last life here. Not one! All are sinning.

    Good Karma is created through selfless acts of kindness and love towards all of God's creations. Good karma is earned through the giving of unconditional love. Good karma comes from not interfering with another life unless your assistance is explicitly asked of by that individual. It is also earned by living in a God like manner. Good karma brings all that is beauty and happiness into your world. Good Karma carries forward to your next lifetime but does not erase bad karma as you are still responsible for any bad karma you have created for yourself. Good karma may be used to lessen the teaching experience of the bad karma though. For example, say in your last lifetime in your early years you were wild and had no cares of anyone. Say you injured a person severely and caused them to lose a limb. Say you didn't care. Then you grew older and wiser and settled down and became a kind and loving being, always giving good where ever you went. Perhaps out of guilt for what you did in your younger years. Perhaps because you grew closer to God. Whatever the reason, you are building good karma. Now you are sorry at this point that you injured a living being and you are doing your best to make good but that does not give the person their limb back. You will still owe a debt. But because you've built a trove of good karma, in your next life time you may break a limb so badly, it becomes weak and lame. Good karma and bad karma at work as you did not fully lose your limb and you still have some use of it. Now if you had continued in your life not caring you had caused someone to lose their limb, you will lose a limb and even more in your next life to pay off your debt. Bad karma demands a payment fee of 10 fold. Bad karma is also created through attachment to any of the five passions: anger, greed, lust, undue attachment to the physical world (the over collecting of material things) and vanity. These things create a "debt" of karma which accumulates in your current life but can only be paid off in your next life. Once all the accumulated karma is paid off Soul can reach Self-realization in it's present life, thus breaking the cycle of reincarnation.

    Note: I've never heard of Karmanians. Sounds like a name for some alien species, lol

    pridee comes before destruction
    Wow...You guys are back in full force again...

    No, he's just being a moron trying to twist my beliefs so that I have to respond. He truly needs a life. Something that makes him happy so that he doesn't sit around jacking off trying to figure out new ways to get me to talk to him. He's been doing this sh!t of calling me out since February. One would think he'd get over the fascination of me already.
    Greetings Kimberly,

    In God's Word there is a concept Jesus tuaght that what a man sows a man will reap. Sow good deeds and you will reap good things, sow bad deeds and you will reap bad things.

    According to God's Word, all do bad deeds and all do good deeds, no one is perfect, only Jesus was perfect, of course He was God in the flesh.

    Since all sin, all are condemned by God to death, not reincarnation to try try again. But praise God for He has made a way for a sinful person to come to Him spotless and white as snow!

    God sent Jesus Christ His Son, to take on the flesh of mankind and to be a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. My sins and your sins Kim. THose who accept God's attonement for sin by trusting in Jesus' work on the cross God will pardon and give a new heart that sets their mind on worshipping God and loving God and others. THis God calls being "born-again". It is spiritual, not physical. God does not do reincarnations, God works above this concept, on the spiritual plane. God recreates the broken sinful spirit in people through regeneration. Giving the person who calls on Him through Jesus Christ a new heart, quickening the spirit within.

    Reincarnation is a hopeless religion that can only come from a hopeless thought from a sinful man trying to create his own way to God. But God works on the spirit within the soul, God does not need lifetimes to perform His miracles, God takes one's soul and spiritually revives that soul into something beautiful in His sight. Although the soul must remain in a body of sin and death until death, God gives the soul a new spirit and a new love for God and God's creation through regeneration, not reincarnation. God actually joins His Spirit with the person's spirit, creating a new spiritual creature.

    God will not accept anyone who believes they can be good enough to be with Him by their own efforts. That would be making oneself equal with God.

    God says to those who love Him and have received HIs offer of salvation.....

    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and this not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in CHrist Jesus unto good works, which God has prepared in advance that we should walk in them.

    What a beautiful way God has created for His people to live with Him. If only His creation would stop their boasting and humble themselves, submitting themselves to God's way, which is so simple and loving. Read the Gospel of John, it is for everyone, for whosoever will come to God and live!

    God Bless!

    (Colleen) "I never said, a last lifetime meant perfection. One does not have to be completely perfect to remain in heaven. Perfection can be achieved there. Some karma does not need a lifetime to pay for. "

    I gathered from your prior comments that one must pay for bad karma through reincarnation and cannot reach heaven until ALL debt is paid.

    Here is your quote....

    (Colleen) " Once all the accumulated karma is paid off Soul can reach Self-realization in it's present life, thus breaking the cycle of reincarnation.”

    Maybe you made a mistake or are not real sure which way it is. Check with your resources and get back to me.

    Good night for now.

    Sue me. I didn't take the time to fully explain the type of karma. As I've said before there are different levels of karma. Not all require life experiences to pay off. I have also told you I am not an instructor of my belief. You want to learn about it? Open your mind and an instructor will be given to you. I am not it. Do not include my name in any further posts you put out here. I will not be included in your religious insanity.

    "Sue you"?

    You are the one who made the statements and then you get angry when I reach the conclusions I have. I haven't twisted anybody's words, I only go by what I am told. WHy get madd at me for your mistakes? Just say "I made a mistake". For someone who believes in this karma religion you sure don't mind creating a bunch of bad karma with you attitude and the way you talk to people.

    Actually, my mind is wide open, this is why I question all beliefs. I don't want to simply follow something without evidence or something that is not seen to be the case in the real life we live.

    If I were closed minded I would not want to hear or question anything anyone else believes. Sure I have my convictions that what I believe is the truth from God. However, I am always open to anyone challenging my beliefs, in fact, I welcome it. Challenges is how we learn and test what we believe so that we do not end up following something that leads us into a bad situation.

    I have consistently questioned my own beliefs now for 14 years and continue to. So far, no religion has offered anything close to the grace, mercy and relationship offered in Jesus Christ.

    So far I have to agree with Peter when Jesus asked him, "Jhn 6:67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Jhn 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life."

    For pete's sake, get some life into you. Sue me is just a saying. It's not anger. A simple phrase that can be accompanied by the rolling of ones eyes. It can happen when a person is ever pestered by an annoyance.

    You have no idea what bad and good karma is. LOL. You want to label everything some kind of karma. That's really not necessary. Nutshell: Only things that count for or against man or God make a difference. I have no desire to take the time to explain in depth.

    You question other beliefs to see how you can tear them down. This has been your track record since I've been here. You are set in your beliefs. You are not searching. You have no other need to know another belief or religion except to see if you can pick it apart. Stick with your religion, keep questioning it but leave other religions/beliefs alone. You do your faith no favors by impeding on others spiritual beliefs on the pretense of wanting to learn about them when you have zero interest in following them.

    Instead of living in a box, how about you step out and have some fun with the people here? I never see you out just joking and laughing and having a good time. Is it not allowed in your religion? Can't you go for a spell without being up His butt like an ever present lap dog looking for a treat? He might actually appreciate the break. Go be a human and have some fun. Don't worry, He'll still be there when you get back.

    Now go and stop calling me out.
    I have learned here that the goal/purpose of KARMA is heaven. The process is reincarnation until the person reaches a perfect life with no bad karma. Then and only then may they stop the reincarnation process and rest in heaven.

    Does anyone know of anyone who is presently living that perfect life and by doing so are on their last life here on earth? Anyone?

    Quote me: "I never said, a last lifetime meant perfection. One does not have to be completely perfect to remain in heaven. Perfection can be achieved there. Some karma does not need a lifetime to pay for."

    Now go be ignorant with some other belief. You've attempted to twist mine enough and you're making yourself look like a religious goon trying to prove by intolerance that no other belief can be as good as yours. Jesus should be frowning at you right about now.

    Oh wait, I forgot, you think you are he. You really are not a happy man, are you?
    Colleen had said, "Bad karma is also created through attachment to any of the five passions: anger, greed, lust, undue attachment to the physical world (the over collecting of material things) and vanity."

    My question is, what is "over collecting"?

    The belief in karma seems to be that one who understands karma would avoid all things associated with bad karma. Yet I see those who say they believe in this system stacking up the bad karma almost daily as though they don't believe what they preach.

    Seeing how just one bad karma day must be paid for in another life no matter how much good karma is done seems pretty hopeless to me.

    Maybe since Colleen hates christian preachers so much in this life she might have to be one in her next!
    ole hipster

    Hey....let me come over and whup your ass...who do you think you are to criticize Colleen..friendofrealpeople at your service here!

    "My question is, what is "over collecting"?"

    Hording. Having more of something than you actually need and could ever use on your own.

    I personally never preach. We are free to do as we want. Free will. As for me, if I create bad karma for myself, I accept that I did and I accept the consequences of it. I see a lot of Christians stacking up sin and they really don't care because they believe Jesus will forgive them for it. No responsibility there.

    "Seeing how just one bad karma day must be paid for in another life no matter how much good karma is done seems pretty hopeless to me."

    I've answered this a few times already for you. Don't be a repeat drama seeker. Good karma can erase some bad karma. It will not erase horrific karma.

    I do not hate Christian preachers. I accept that they exist and accept that they will annoy me. I do what I can to annoy them back. You really should stop mentioning the word hate so much FoG. It seems to be the only ever present word in your brain. Kinda makes you look like you have "issues".

    I took your foul language towards me in your post as hate and since I do alot of preaching I figured you hated preachers like me. My appologies if i misunderstood you. If your words are not based in hate, then I don't know how you distinguish hate and love.

    I need to add to the the karma bit you made up for me.

    I see it just the opposite. Perhaps in a past lifetime, I was someone like you. An overly religious, pompous person who sought to destroy others beliefs by claiming my belief was the only true belief. Perhaps I annoyed the crap out of my targets but didn't care because I felt I was doing God's will. Well since I would have crossed spiritual boundaries by doing so, I created karma for myself. I see you and others like you as my karma. A way of teaching me to not cross boundaries and try to pull people off a path they belong on for my own self righteousness beliefs and feelings. I am being taught what it's like to be on the receiving end of annoyance and belligerence.

    "I took your foul language towards me in your post as hate "

    Nope, it was frustrated annoyance. I don't even remember what I said or what the foul language was.

    Hate = negative emotion directed at a person in such a way as to interfere with their life and cause devastation to their body or spirit. Something like telling a spiritually weak person they will go to hell if they do not repent and accept Christ as their savior. Scaring the sh!t out of them that they spend the rest of their life wondering if they are truly saved. That's hate because causing fear in a person can never be equated to love.

    Love = allowing another Soul to just be without impeding on their life and trying to take away from them what you perceive to be wrong for them. Love without conditions. No demands. No trying to change them. Just love them for who and what they are.

    Actually, hate is the opposite of love. So anything that is not love is hate.

    Do you believe your speach to me is loving?

    THanks Kim,

    YOu touch alot of points, but the subject of forgiveness is not found in the god of Karma, at least the way it ws explained to me here. No matter how much "good" one does after doing bad they must still be punished by the god of karma into another life, "the person STILL owes a debt" is the way it was described.

    With Christians and with Jesus one can repent and ask God for forgiveness and if you are His child through Jesus Christ you will be forgiven, that debt is paid for by Jesus' blood shed on the cross.

    THis is a HUGE difference between a loving God and a god of purely an eye for an eye mentality. The Christian God is grace and mercy to those who love Him, for He knows our inability to be absolutely perfect as He is. So He gave us Jesus, a sacrifice, that we may trust in HIm and be saved to heaven if we will trust in Him.

    Late for work, but hope we talk more later!


    Hi PL,

    I base all my opinions about God or Jesus or the bible by what I read in the bible. I am sorry if I come accross as confident of what I believe in, I can see how this would sound arrogant and this is why I do not get offended by the negative comments towards me. What would be rather helpful though is if the one's who say I am wrong or misinterpreting the bible would actually do an exegesis of the scripture and show me why I am reading it wrong. But all they do is complain without rebuttle.

    btw, thanks for a pleasant rebuke. I don't mind rebuke, some folks get pretty nasty.


    I swore I was never going to get involved again in bible arguing with anyone here but crikey friendofgod you take the cake for "I am correct everyone else is wrong" My opinion? you are doing more to drive people away from your religion with all the archaic fire and brimstone. Be nice and you may save a few souls, but you are going about it all wrong at the moment.

    This is why I ask the tough questions. Religions should be questioned, this includes Christianity. Christianity has a bench mark, Jesus Christ and the testimony given of Him, the bible.

    When someone puts forth a statement that a Christian is this or that, they need to be questioned as to where in the bible this or that is found to be true of a Christian. Most of the problem rises out of ignorance as to what the bible says about Christians. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore to say a Christian is this or that is to say that Jesus is this or that. So we look to the scriptures to see if Jesus was truly this or that as stated by the accuser.

    So to answer all your questions about hate Colleen, the answer is no, Christ did not hate and therfore Christians do not hate, and I am a CHristian.

    I must remind you Colleen that you study a book also, or books, so we are the same there. You follow ancient writings and so do I, again we are alike there. One difference I have noticed between you and I though is that you get quite abusive with your language towards those you disagree with, that sounds intolerate of anothers point of view.

    Jesus, the One I follow, said that out of the heart the mouth speaks, if a person's heart is good they will speak good to others, even to those who they perceive are their enemies whether real or imagined. This is why Jesus and His followers are different than the norm, the world says if someone curses you you have every right to curse them back. God says, bless them who curse you and do good to them who despitefully use you.

    The "Light" (Jesus) said, Jhn 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. Jhn 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.



    "Christians do not hate, and I am a CHristian."


    You have no idea where I get all my learning from. You'd never believe anyway because your mind is closed to anything other than the bible. Why keep pushing fog? You don't want to know for knowledge or a gain in spirituality. You just want to compare it to your bible, say nope..makes no sense because it's not in the bible. I didn't get abusive with you because I disagreed with you. I did it because you're an arrogant jerk. You have the bible memorized but you do not feel it.



    "Have I called you any names?"

    And this is what you'll support your pedestal with? Umm,'s all yours. Good to see you have your big boy pants on.

    "I defend misleading statements given about the bible."

    You defend by your own interpretations. I've seen you argue with Christians that they interpret the bible wrong. Are you the only one with the key to what the bible really says? Did God speak to you and tell you, you're the only one who gets the bible right?

    You're ego is mighty big FoG.



    You posted a whole lot of crap about reincarnation and karma and then made the grand proclamation that those were my beliefs based on what? NOTHING! I've not told you what all my beliefs are and how it all works together and I still will not tell you based on the fact that you can not handle ANYTHING that goes against the bible. Why would I set my spiritual path, my beliefs up like that? I do not have to defend what I believe.



    I keep it to myself as much as I can because it's private between me and God. I can't help the fact that Christianity felt the need to throw itself out there for everyone to chew apart if they didn't agree with it. Not my problem. You then went so far as to pull my God is not a merciful God out of your overly inflated egotistical head based on again, NOTHING other than empty judgment from your own closed off mind. Now you want me to have a pleasant conversation with you? Not going to happen. Now drop it.



    Fog, STOP. You're just proving more and more what a stuck in the mud zealot you really are. To help save you from yourself, I will stop talking to you.

    Have to add this....

    "In reality Colleen, so far no christians on here have argued over the scriptures I posted concerning what Jesus said"

    Right, because you decide who is a Christian and who isn't. So even if they are Christian, in your eyes, they aren't. OK Jesus Jr.


    Everyone has openly seen our conversation Colleen. All that you call me is an opinion of yours, a judgment if you will, and you are certainly entitled to do so. Have I called you any names?

    I disguss the bible with people and I defend misleading statements given about the bible. I jump into threads when people make claims about the bible that are not true and when I point these things out I get called names. Even people on here who call themselves Christians, when I show them what Christ said they get preturbed and irate. Why? If one is a Christian then do and say what Christ did and said!


    Don't know where you got that from Schubee. I have showed you Jesus' words and you get upset. Yet I think you believe you are a Christian, right?


    Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Mat 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.


    In reality Colleen, so far no christians on here have argued over the scriptures I posted concerning what Jesus said, not one. If I am wrong then they should have another answer for the scriptures I post, but they just call me some names and fade away. Take Schubee for example, I have posted John 3:17-18 many times to her and she has done nothing but call me names. Why doesn't she explain Jesus' words if I have them wrong?


    Actually, the bible needs no interpretating, only a reading. It is pretty straightforward. There is exgesis which is a critical examination of the scriptures where one passage is supported by another. ANytime the bible needs interpreting the bible itself does the interpretating, or in other words, one passage interprets the other.


    Sorry about the "she' Schubee. I thought you said that in another thread, my mistake. It was good talking with you tonight, must go to bed now. God bless!


    FOD, could you please get over with your selfishness? I'm sorry, but I just can't stand your ego.

    Do you think all those who died for the faith of Jesus Christ knew the bible line by line? Do you think every christian who does good to the weak reads the bible? Are you saying they are not true christians? Are you saying anyone has no right to say something about Christianity if they don't know the bible and they can't provide the verses from it? I am so sorry for you.


    "If one is a Christian then do and say what Christ did and said!"

    Can you find me a word "Humble" from the bible, please?


    LOL, you are so blind! It's not Jesus' words! It is YOU and your USAGE of the bible! Don't you get it?

    "I think you believe you are a Christian, right?"
    Ha, are you Jesus, are you God? are you now to judge me? Unbelievable.


    OMG, you really found it!, wow, wow.....................
    Then BE HUMBLE! That's what the bible says!


    FOG, who has authority to interpret the bible? Is that you? No, and not me for sure. Is that your church? Don't think so. Shall I continue?


    And I am NOT SHE! See you don't even know me. Colleen and others here know me much better than you. Why? you only read about religion, don't you? Open your eyes and see the world!


    Yes, the bible needs proper interpretation. Everyone has different appreciation even when the bible says simply, "Love". You are according to your interpretation of the bible.


    God bless you!

    Colleen, you said that anyone who creates bad karma, even though they piled up good karma afterwards, "will still owe a debt".

    Do you know anyone, anyone at all, who has ever lived a bad karma free life? Anyone?

    I would wager that answer is no and I would wager that you have bad karma as well in this life that will gaurantee you yet another life without heaven.

    Don't you see the hopelessness?? There is no way you can avoid reincarnation and ever make it to heaven. Not one example of a person ever going through life without some bad karma points which according to your beliefs, must be paid for in another lousey reincarnated life.

    If that is living then I would not want to live. Over and over and over having to live life after life after life in a lousey evil world where people are going to push your buttons and cause you to mess up and WHAM! cursed to live another reincarnated life and do it all over again.

    The God I believe in offers mercy and grace and paid that bad karma debt that no one can pay, even if you had 10000 lives to try to be perfect. What a Perfect, Merciful, Loving God I serve!

    Your god has no mercy Colleen, and I am sorry if me pointing that truth out upsets you. I only want you to consider your inability to ever be good enough to make heaven under this system some man created called Karma.



    "Your god has no mercy Colleen, and I am sorry if me pointing that truth out upsets you."

    That's not the truth and you're a dick. Phuck off.



    Narrow minded, tunnel vision bigoted hater. Again, you are like the Satan of your book. You do not understand reincarnation, so stop thinking you do, you do not understand the spirit, you do not understand soul and you for damn sure do not understand God.



    No. You just want a chance to invalidate, make fun of ridicule and laugh at my beliefs and use your weapon, the bible to do it. Nothing will stand yp to your book in your mind so why bother? Really FoG what's the point? There's nothing to discuss. You gave up life to study a book, to memorize it verse by verse. The only trouble is, you do not feel it, you do not understand the message. You've been so busy using it to argue through, you've lost all meaning of God's love. You said it yourself, this is a lousy evil world. Well a closed heart would see it that way. I see beauty, I see God's gift.



    I bet you walk around your house dressed like Jesus don't you? You truly hate everything. You hate organized religion and say anyone who goes to church is being misled is destined for hell. LGBT's are destined for hell anyone who does not eat the bible like you do is destined for hell, those who do not believe in your god is destined for hell, those who do bow to your god's egotistical demand is destined to hell, what else? Who's not covered under your books rules and laws and demands? You're going to be awfully lonely up there in heaven all by yourself. Now piss off.


    Thanks Dwayne, I appreciate it. I will pray for you also.


    Colleen, maybe you could explain to me how your god is merciful to the bad karma people. Good karma needs no mercy, so how is your god merciful to those who do bad karma?

    I love when people challenge my beliefs because I like to give them answers to the tough questions. Most times people are just mislead or believe something they have heard repeated in error.

    If I have misrepresented your god or religion then you should show me from your books why I am in error. I like to learn, but i will challenge all things. One would be foolish not to.


    colleen you are as hard headed as a jew in the desert and i know this prob.wont make any diff. but im adding fog to my prayer list too

    Is the god of Karma really a loving god?

    Just imagine a god that pays his children back 10 fold for what wrong they have done?? Imagine that! Just take that in for a moment, a loving god punishing his children an eye for an eye, not even an eye for an eye, but ten eyes for one eye!

    Imagine a child of god, a man, kidnapping and raping a young girl just ten years old. Torturing her over and over for years and then finally killing her. This child of god then dies and for his crimes against this little girl god births him into a new life, unawares of the previous life of a child molester, births this man into a little girl. Now this child of god has become a little girl, knowing nothing about it's past life of evil against another, this child of god grows into a little ten year old girl and now she must pay, pay for a past life she knows nothing about, all she knows is that this filthy old man has kidnapped her and is raping her over and over and over, pain and suffering as a little ten year old girl, for a punishment from a past life void from any part of her memory.

    Karma would have to declare that all of the little boys and girls being raped and killed in this world have it coming, a past life is why they are being molested and tortured. What a god, what a god, a loving god, really?



    I came back to read my brother what you said and now I see you misleading the people with yet another belief. You know nothing about it. You're guessing and taking only the tiniest of grain and trying to make something out of it. You're truly the fanatic I believed you to be. Stick to your own book and self taught beliefs. You do not know my path. It's more than just reincarnation & karma. You still know nothing about the actual core of the teachings. This is what's wrong with you Christ followers. You have to tear everything down around you and destroy in order to make your God seem larger.



    Do not speak to me again manipulator.



    Why does your God allow children to be raped? Why does your God allow his own servants to rape boys. Payment of a karmic debt does not begin when your a child. So no, what you put there is not true. You know nothing.



    If I believed in Satan, I'd believe you were a co-worker of his. You manipulate and attempt to destroy. That's what I would expect of a negative soul. One working to hide truths.



    "Is'nt your god also allowing it? Why? Punishment? Justice? Why?"

    Ask your own god. His answer is the only one you want. I know how the innocent are taken care of and how the criminals are dealt with. What your God tells you is good enough for you. I'm done here. Speak of reincarnation and karma all you want. Just know you are ignorant about the two & anything you put out is guessing & misleading. Do your work. Destroy in the name of your god. There's a third part of the path I follow that you have even less of a clue about. All 3 bring the full truths of God & his reason for giving us life.



    I'm not even going to explain. Again, you know nothing about the path I follow. Books are only one source of instruction. You are too close minded to understand or hear without ridicule. Stick to your book. It's all you need and all you need to know.



    Your initial ridicule angered me. You showed you weren't even going to hear with an open mind. Why ask if you really don't want to know? Stop blaming everything on your religion and your god. IT'S YOU FoG. It how you operate.

    My God does not destroy, yours does unless his demand to take him in is met. Mine makes no demands. My God accepts all into his heaven worlds whether they know him or not.



    Colleen, you said, "Why does your God allow children to be raped? Why does your God allow his own servants to rape boys."

    Is'nt your god also allowing it? Why? Punishment? Justice? Why?


    Dwayne, there are no reicarnations in the bible. John the baptist came declaring the words of the prophet Elias.

    Mat 3:1 ¶ In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea,

    Mat 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    Mat 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.


    ..."Payment of a karmic debt does not begin when your a child. So no, what you put there is not true. You know nothing.".....

    Says who? I thought you did not like people believing something someone else has written thousands of years ago? Are you not the one who said "men wrote the bible for their own agenda"? How are they different than the men who wrote the beliefs you follow?


    Colleen, why does my belief anger you when your belief is based on the same principles? I have a bible, you have a bible (or books). I have the SPirit of CHrist leading me, you have another source leading you.

    But you are so sure your books and spiritual experiences are true and my book and experiences are false.

    My God is Just and punishes, your god is just and punishes with karma.

    So why do you think your religion is so different?


    At the forefront Dwayne, the bible does not teach reincarnation but judgment after this one life to hell or heaven. This is the theme throughout.

    This makes it pretty clear...

    Mat 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.






    fog i dont think you are looking deep enough in to the wordwhen JESUS was asked about the second coming of elisha he said he has allready came and was killed for his teachings. most think he isspeaking of john the baptist.why was john told not to drink wine and to fast?I think there is room towonder if john was elisha rein carnated for lack of abetter word

    It doesn't sound very appealing to me. A constant existence of being born over and over and over and over until one reaches some kind of perfection so it will stop.

    There is a huge disappointment in this belief, how long has humans been doing this according to the belief, you said long before Christ, and not one has ever lived a perfect life so that they can stop all of their pain and suffering over and over again. Do you know anyone who has even come close to being perfectly kind and loving to everyone all the time?

    Pain and suffering over and over and over, and this sounds better than one life, believe in Jesus' sacrifice for your sin, and love God and love each other until death and be ressurrected to life again with God, never ever again to be trapped in a body of sin and death??

    Do you realize, that the very fact that everyone keeps on dying means that no one has been good enough to stop the curse.



    Those who do not have to come back and relive lifetimes have achieved the goal of residing in heaven for eternity. If you're still here, you're still learning. It means you made mistakes in your past life. I know, one lifetime, get absolved of all your sins by simple acceptance then perfect bliss in heaven seems so much more appealing but nothing comes so easy. Not even perfection. You deem Jesus perfect because you've been told he was perfect. If he was perfect, why did he get baptized? Perfect Souls no longer have to live on the physical. New souls are created constantly.



    This is God's plan so that the living life can go on eternally.



    You have a lot of it wrong but I do not have the desire to explain it all to you. If I believed your mind to be more open, I'd take the time but already you ridicule what you do not understand. I'm not going to waste my time. Ridicule and be happy. You are not seeking another belief for yourself. You are seeking another belief to attack and try to tear down. I'm not going to entertain you. We do not put our belief out there the way other religions do for it to be tarnished by small minded scoffers. When you're ready for it and have an open mind willing to hear it's truths, it will find you.



    If that's the way you wish to see it dwayne. I won't be goaded into discussing it either. We have what you would refer to as a bible, I'll not give you it's name however and countless other books and teaching guides. We don't just dream stuff up on a daily basis. I'll not argue with you over it. When you die, you will then know. I'll not be back to this trap of a thread again. Nice try FoG.


    You like that Karmanians? I made that one up (lol)


    You had to have learned your belief system from somewhere written Colleen, and that means that you must trust another person's words just like christians. If your faith is not recorded anywhere to be learned then you had to have received it by word of mouth or traditional oral repetition, and once again, either way, you are trusting what another has told you. There is no differnce between me beleiving what was told about Jesus and you believing what has been told about Karma.

    So why do you believe your karma religion is fact and my christian religion is fable?



    friend of god,
    u said that noone leaves a bad karma free life. you are obviously a christian well didnt jesus leave a bad karma free life? now in other religions they are stepping stones much like Christianity. If being a christian you commit a sin which everyone does. there is something that must do to make it right. you can not do a sin and have it automatically forgiven no there is steps that need to followed through you must except that jesus dies for your sins and then stay strong in your faith and when u r trying to live a (karma) free life u make a mistake u must ask for the forgiveness and do what you feel you need to make sure you do not go through that. also think aout this dont god sometimes have you go through stuff to teach u a lesson well any religion is the same. there are steps and reincarnation and karma is just the stepping stones to make them get total enlightenment .As they use their next life the things they learned get carried on to the next life so they wont be committing same mistakes over and over. I know many Christians who commit sins over and over so how is that any different. you do what you have to do till you learn what it is ment for you to learn.

    Karma this is a tough subject. Yes it is believed in some religions that reincarnations are done to get total enlightenment. It is believed that our soul is reincarnated until we get it right. Karma is what we have done to others we will have to repay for in our next life. Buddhist believe that to be reincarnated int anothor human is almost never done but it is a privilege and if you happen to be reborn as human than you had better get it right the second time around. reincarnation does not mean u will be born into another human body you could be born into a plant or an animal.
    However karma is also believed on other religions that do not believe in reincarnation Christianity for example that what you do unto others will come back on to you.harder then what you did.



    You're almost right Kim. Once you achieve the spiritual awareness to be born as a human, you never go back to being an animal or plant. Those are lower life forms. The sub conscious that links to soul would not have the spiritual awareness to understand the lessons. After a time in heaven (a very long span of time) & taking a rest from the earthly existence it left, Soul spends it's time sorting out the past life, working with a guide to plan their next life and visiting with souls it knows and might even make plans with some to meet again in the next life. This can explain soul mates.

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