    Can anyone fathom why people would want to be cruel to an animal?

    how does it affect you when you hear these stories. It really affects me badly.

    +12  Views: 1328 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    Theres no excuse for it.


    That is exactly right, thanks


    The commercials the Humane Society are running lately of dogs and cats that need help are killing me.


    Thankyou so much for your reply, it makes me feel alot better to know that other people are feeling the torture of animal cruelty to. i keep the remote control close to me incase one of these ads come on. It really is disturbing. Thanks again

    The dogs with those EYES staring back at you is so sad to look at.

    me too TSC cant watch anything or even hear of it makes me too upset xxx

    Either they are a sociopath or it makes them feel bigger and more important to exert control over a defenseless animal. 


    thank you Yvonne I feel the same xx

    They have no feelings, no feelings of empathy (to feel for someone else).  What a terribly sad life, to not be able to feel and communicate with others, INCLUDING animals, on a deeper, soul level.  I have to ask,  why are they here??  Why do they exist?

    Very disturbing ,upsetting  to me also, i block my ears and look away from the T.V.

    the first sign that a child is going to grow into a sociopath, murderer, or some other kind of evil adult is when they torture animals.

    It's beyond our understanding.

    the Humane society ads get to me too. I kinda watch ... so so sad. 


    I wonder if the "excuse' for little kids torturing animals is because they are tortured themselves. awful to think about.

    you are exactly correct. Though research is being done to identify reasons. Hormones does play a part from what i have heard. Its not normal at all to be this way.

    Very well said itsmee totally agree I did post something like this and I got hammered to even think like that well I am glad you have said what you have said as this is a proven fact thank you agian mel

    I just cant read thoes storys, makes me feel so ill. Heartbreaking.

    It affects me so bad, that it takes days or even weeks to properly function again.All  animal cruelty begins in childhood. . Pets who are not part of a family- locked outside, children exposed to domestic violence, unfamiliar with proper diciplinary actions. It is a way to have power or joy through torture of an animal they know cannot defend themselfes. I lived on a farm in Bohemia during world war II,where my grandfather treated all our animals with upmost respect. From him I learned how important it was to make all animals part of our lives everday.He was way ahead of his time.

    Not at all. Insane people.

    This is how so many serial killer started torturing harmless small animals here  are two infamous serial killers1.Ted Bundy 2.Jeff Dahmer  two monsters just thinking of them gives you the creeps!!!""""


    I have a friend who lived down the street from dahmer's mother. yes, thinking of those evil men gives me the creeps. these crimes are way beyond our understanding.
    ed shank

    When my son was very young a classmate of his showed signs of cruelty to animals. He later on in his adult years was charged with a horrific murder that was indescribable. There obviously is a direct connection to this type of behavior at an early age. Dahmer who set out to eat the neighborhood thankfully was murdered in prison. The perfect candidate for the death penalty.

    When I hear about any kind of abuse or neglect of an animal or child, it makes me literally sick to my stomach.  I want to cry.


    Yes,, too. Kindred hearts. There are many of us. Yet, not enough...........

    theres some nasty twisted sadists out there and both animal cruelty and and elder abuse make me very very angry


    leosmami, i am glad you mentioned elder abuse. People usually think of child abuse but an defenseless elder is in the same spot in life. they are not rescued as easily.
    I have great respect for the nurses aides who work in convalescent homes. they are paid very little and work very hard. from what i've observed these (mostly) women are truly dedicated to their patients.
    My mom was in a convalescent hopital for 20 years and i visited about three times a week.

    Sadly it comes very easily to a narcissitic sociopaths and psychopaths.Makes me sick just thinking of how someone could live with themselves after such heinous acts!


    I wonder about the people who could stuff a strangled child into a clothes dryer or suitcase and just go on about their existences without a care in the world. I wonder how many of them have a history or animal abuse in their backgrounds.

    Aside from the answers of a demented, sociopathic,  sadistic  personality disorder that have already been given, maybe sometimes people who are abused mentally, or physically, or emotionally, have nowhere to take the hurt, anger, frustration.  Down the totem pole they go, and find someone with less "prestige" than they have. They find their pets (or other creature they can overpower).  I would bet they are even more upset after they abuse the animal, and the spiral continues.

    I have known cruel people. They had no respect for life, animal or human. The adherents of the belief in Dualism foster and maintain the persistence of all dualistic beliefs and practices. 


    I have to look dualistic up. Or ... could you explain it so everybody knows? thank you robertgrist.

    ch du dualism |ˈd(y)oōəˌlizəm|
    1 the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided : a dualism between man and nature.
    • Philosophy a theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles, esp. mind and matter ( Cartesian dualism). Compare with idealism , materialism , and monism .
    • the religious doctrine that the universe contains opposed powers of good and evil, esp. seen as balanced equals.
    • in Christian theology, the heresy that in the incarnate Christ there were two coexisting persons, human and divine.
    2 the quality or condition of being dual; duality.
    dualist noun & adjective
    dualistic |ˌd(y)oōəˈlistik| adjective
    dualistically |ˌd(y)oōəˈlistik(ə)lē| adverb
    ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from dual , on the pattern of Frenalisme.

    Robert ... I didn't ask a simple question. I have your answer on my desk top and I will take it from there. It's late. I'm not even starting this AM. I will take it by the teaspoon full.

    No.  That is just bad and the reason I have had so many rescued pets in my life and still do. 

    What if I reversed the question and ask why some animals are bad to humans?


    like that ape that tore the woman's face off? Ooooph!
    Headless Man

    Yes wasn't that awful........

    Well there you go...and if a cougar hurts a person what happens next?...Not that we just built 100 new homes in their territory...this question could go on forever. I wonder what happens when we take all the room up...oh shoot! Another question.
    Headless Man

    So what's our territory, fish girl?

    As Every one knows on this site about my feelings towards Animals it just makes me SO Angry I cant think straight I cant watch anything on television and on the news when that poor elephant was abused in that circus I had the most auwful hatred toward those people who did just a auwful thing to that poor sacred animal I wouldnt tell anyone what I was thinking as I was a shamed in my thoughts what I would do to them if I ever met them, I know I would end up in prison for my thoughts let a lone if I had done something and I really dont like that side of me but I cant help it  


    It does make you sad watching the mistreatment of animals, Mel! :-)

    Thank you Pamela I know I just cant watch anything like that anymore anyway hows your day been! oxoxoxo

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