    is being lesbian a bad thing?

    +2  Views: 894 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Being a lesbian is only a bad thing to those who think it's a bad thing based on bad information.

    About as bad as having blue or brown eyes,

    it's no differant than polagamy or anything else ... it's gods judgement not mine.


    Not true. There is a big difference. Homosexuality does not harm others. Polygamy does. Have you ever read about the life of the polygamist? The man is allowed to make slaves of his wives and children. Abuse runs rampant in that life and the women and children suffer deep emotional and physical trauma. This is why it is not legal in the United States.

    yes i guess your right...

    no,  not at all just means she probably and highly likely wont be giving birth to children and not attracted to opposite sex.



    A lot of lesbians give birth to their own children. Where have you been looking?...oh that's right, your knowledge of gays comes strictly from the male prison you worked at. At least you got the second part right, lesbians are not sexually attracted to men.

    thats why i put the word "probably" in there because i knew you would answer this way.Doesnt mean no. Even though i dont know any that have had children.

    Yet followed it up with, "and highly likely wont be giving birth to children". I can't even agree with highly likely as I believe you are looking at it through the viewpoint that they need a man to make a baby so because of this will never have children. Many lesbians do not want to be parents. They see that as the job of heterosexuals. I see no harm in that thinking.

    You can know 2 through me. My second relationship was with a woman who gave birth to 2 sons. I went to court and adopted them and became their legal second parent.

    My 3rd relationship was with a woman who had a son and a daughter. I did not adopt them and her parents inserted themselves into our relationship so much and damned me to hell so much that the stress and drama they brought did indeed destroy our relationship. Point for the false followers of God set.

    I've remained single by choice since. Now I fight intolerance, ignorance and bigotry on my own so I do not have to worry about it ripping apart my relationship.

    was that through a i. The knowledge of my 6 gay friends that died from aids, in kansas too.

    No, not a i. In both instances it was because both tried to suppress what they were born to be. They married young because they feared people finding out they were attracted to women and not men. As they matured and realized their own unhappiness, they both ended their marriages and sought the life that was meant for them. I do not fault people like them. I fault society and their judgment against gays that forces some gays to seek shelter from the hate bombs by living a lie and hiding their true selves.

    As for your 6 gay friends dying from aids, I'm sorry. We've come a long way in battling aids medically. Less and less are dying from that disease now. Just remember, it is not a gay disease. It is all inclusive and affects everyone. Even babies being born to heterosexual mothers.

    My guess is there are more heterosexuals with aids than homosexuals. Just look at africa. If its not starvation its aids.

    It really doesn't matter who has it more than the other. Protected sex is the answer. Starvation is something we need to start finding an answer for.


    How can it be bad when you were born that way? This is the life God has given you.

    Only if she has a thing for men.


    Even that's not bad. Then she is bi-sexual. Still nothing wrong with that though personally I have to wonder if they are ever truly happy in a singular relationship (meaning with only one partner).

    It's not my thing, but it's not a bad thing, either.

    I don't know of any that had children without the help of a man, so it would be great for birth control.


    No.  You are who you are.  Be proud.

    No, it's not a bad thing but please stop advertising in the middle of the grocery store....


    Really? I've never ever see that. Where do you live? Maybe you should consider moving since it's apparently running rampant in your area. I bet you get hit on by "those" people too.
    I'd love for all the heteros to stop having porn shows in my stores. I watched a guy one day with his hands up his girlfriend's shirt as he played with her boobs.

    So what would be your list of do's and don't's for the homosexuals. What would you not allow them what you allow heterosexuals? Are we still running with the partial equality plan? Blacks use to be hidden in stores too. They had to shop out back where good white folk and kiddies couldn't see them.

    I live in Austin, Tx. A big college town. The city motto is "Keep Austin Weird" (I kid you not). I don't like seeing anybody displaying affection in graphic measures. I don't invite anybody to "sleep" in my home but what they do in theirs is none of my business... I've lived here since I was 5, I'd never consider moving...

    Then I guess you have to go with the flow of what everyone else wants. Same as I have to ;)

    No, I don't have to but watching two women making out was gross (same as two heteros). I didn't jump on them but I did say "get a room"....

    I would have said the same.

    Nickkyky, to answer your question, you'd have to answer mine first:

    Is being straight a bad thing?


    How do you feel about it? I have no issue with it unless your a bad lesbian. As in a bad person.


    It Depends on your religious views if something in your mind tells you it is wrong I would listen to, notice I mentioned your views though i may have my own view on it it in the end is your choice.


    There's something to be said for an open mind and a closed one. Like you said, personal choice as to which you listen to ;)

    Hey there, jack ketch! I don't know that one's religious views really have to play into this. So much of the time, people use religion to accept or condemn something they have personal feelings about. If someone doesn't like something or DOES like something, just say so. I know the Bible has suggestions for living a Christ-like life. I know that I'm not going to be able to follow all those suggestions...I'm a flawed human. I make mistakes all day, every day. But I'm not going to hide behind the Bible when I have a personal opinion (not founded on scripture)about something. It may even be an opinion that is contrary to what the Bible suggests. It's OK. It would be hyprocritical for me to do otherwise.

    Take a look at the good christian tita's comments Bob. See what the "different" have to put up with from "god fearing" bigots.

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