    Why is it that when i ask decent questions no body answers? no wonder i ask dead set rubbish cause then i know im guaranteed a response

    +3  Views: 598 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    A lot of your questions have been answered,with decent replies too.What are you expecting ?

    Some of the questions get buried by the overwhelming amount of questions that come in here.  If the questions are opinion related there is no research to be done and the get a responce more quickly.

    Try Try and try again changing your unanswered question a bit to see if it brings out a different perspective.  You are dealing with Human Beings with their own bias and viewpoints!

    Speaking only for myself,I never pass up a question where I might be of some help. Being human I don't know it all ,so I direct some to a proper path to get the knowledge they seek . I am working on perfecting the art of being a curmudgeon  so if  I don't do any hand holding or lead you around like a 5 year old don't take it personally. Its very hard to get on the same page with some folks,with scattered thoughts incomplete sentences  and misspelled stuff . Some times I feel like I am grading papers in the third grade . Dont know why I bother really,sometimes some one is all alone and just needs to be pointed in the right direction . So we all try as best we can . Its free what do you expect???

    A great deal of my questions don't even get posted. Like @Producer says: Try Try and try again...

    Your term “dead set rubbish” was a curious term. I don’t get that channel here in California yet. I did see a reference to  “dead set e4 rubbish” &  was about some zombie program on British TV. Thanks for the idiomatic phrase search as it has me looking for idiomatic phrase dictionaries to plug in.


    my robot will love that.

    Rubbish is what Brits call garbage

    I have to wonder why you feel it's your duty to post a whole slew of questions here anyway. We are here to assist people. Not to sit and answer random questions that someone thinks up during their bored hours. We have hundreds apon hundreds of unanswered questions sitting on the unanswered side. This question of yours irks me just a bit because of that. How many questions do you answer here daily? I probably answer up to 200 per day.


    I just read through a bunch of your questions.  Most of them were ones that I would strive to answer and not give you a dead set rubbish answer.
    Then again, maybe the questions that I thought had quality and value were the ones you meant were dead set rubbish.

    I'm here to offer my perspective, which is sometimes really different from what most people would think (I've been told I march to the beat of a different drummer more than once). Most of the time I'm serious about the answer I'm giving, and I'm doing so with care and much thought.
    If my answer is tongue-in-cheek, it's pretty obvious.  A couple of your questions and answers have irritated me, to be honest.  That's OK, though; those made me stop and think (that my questions and answers are better than yours!  JK  :D)

    May I suggest that you go to your profile page, check the questions you've asked and the anwers you've received.  You may feel differently once you get a full picture of your "questionable" success.  

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