    One family in six goes to bed hungry in my town. My privileged grand-daughter cried and carried on when she didn't get the toy of her choice today when we were in the store today. Should I have bought it for her?

    She went home and told her mom that she had a bad day at Grandma's house. I'm hurt. I'm burned. I don't know what to do. Money corrupts people so bad. My daughter sounds really angry with me - yet she knows we couldn't really afford the toy. Should I go back to the store and get the toy that is tearing our family apart? 

    +4  Views: 710 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Are you kidding? NO!!!! DO NOT go back and get the toy. Your daughter needs to grow up if she is mad about this and then she needs to teach her child some boundaries.

    I know you know all this. Stop questioning yourself just because your daughter wants to be a child too.


    Yes. You're right. I know you're right.
    I worry that my grand daughter is going to turn against me too. I'm just sick about it.
    However, I KNOW you are right. I think I'll just stay clear of the both of them for awhile -- just let it blow over -- instead of up.

    I gave you "Best Answer" There is no other answer.

    People catch up with the questions eventually. You will get more responses. If you see a better answer, uncheck this one and check the other one. ;)

    Yes, I would get her a toy, and ask if she can find a nicer toy to give to a less fortunate child in the neighborhood.  Ask her to be the one to give/share with that child.



    I will do that at Christmas time. I will have her drop a "good" toy in a donation box. The children in her neighborhood are all fortunate,

    I think you really know the answer to your question Itsmee.

    Don't give in.

    I see children filling thier parents shopping carts with candy and sweets and toys all the time. My children from birth have heard, "maybe next time, we need to watch how we spend money, but you deserve it for your good behavior or grades."   I try to let them know that it is not any reflection on how much i love them or how proud of them I am... They are now 11 and 15, and rather than asking me to buy them something, they say, "I would like to have this when I raise the money for it".

    On occation I am so impressed with thier concideration that I will get them what it is they want.

    I dont let them ask their grandparents for ANYTHING!!!!! However, what thier grandparents say goes when they are at their houses. If Mema wants to give them coffee at 9 pm... so be it. It is something they will always remember.

    I don't give my granddaughter what she wants. Start her getting used to the word,NO.

    I've become a sucker in my old age. I would have bought it at the time. But I wouldn't return to get it.

    Your comments have all been good. There will be some things I try, I'll see if I can recover and the 3 relationships can men,

    When we got back from the store, she wouldn't let me out of her sight. I think she thought I'd leave via the side door.

    I want this to repair ... It feels like it won't.      :  (((

    No do not get this toy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do we put such effort into those who care so little for us . Your daughter is behind on her parenting skills .To allow or condone a breech of  manners and respect is beyond understanding for me . My life is in some ways simple you are either on my side watching my back or you are gone thats it. I have zero tolerance for people who are of no quality time is too short to be dealing with peckerwoods. When I say something I mean it and I will not disrespect myself by second guessing what I said or did . I would not invite this child again for some time until some manners are learned . You arent so desperate for approval that you would tolerate this  are you ????


    I love this child with all my heart. This love does make me feel desperate for approval from her.
    However, I will not have her over for TWO weeks. I'll mark it on my calender.
    I understand what you said.
    My daughter was NOT like her daughter when she was growing up. Three trips to Disneyland in a year ... and a 4 star Maui trip and other marvelous places have changed her.

    I love this child with all my heart. This love does make me feel desperate for approval from her.
    However, I will not have her over for TWO weeks. I'll mark it on my calender.
    I understand what you said.
    My daughter was NOT like her daughter when she was growing up. Three trips to Disneyland in a year ... and a 4 star Maui trip and other marvelous places have changed her.

    I admit i spoil my grandson,when we have our little shopping trips i let him pick out a toy to the value of $10.00.  I  Would give him the world if i could.

    You were right in what you did.

    Options: Buy it take it to her and smash it in front of her.

    Go to the store and buy some slippers and belt the little shit on the bum with them. Do this where you will not be observed

    Tell her "Grandma loves you but she does not like you when you carry on like that"

    Frankly it is your daughters place to train her child to act in an acceptable manner.

    Heaven forbid that you did not  do this with your daughter and the fruit has fallen close to the tree.

    Yes it's a great idea to give children everything they want, from they are able to ask. When they get bigger they then dremand it & throw tantrums ( tantra ) throught the store. Shouting @ squeling the top of their voice which gradually give away to kicking the legs /shins of the parent / carer. They can hit & kick you, but you can't smack them back leagaly.  Now you have got the child that you taught. When they get out by themselves the have been trained to get what the fancy, even to the extent of battering people ( mostly old people ) to get the cash to buy, Next they may be into stealing, even breaking & entering. When you ignore her, she will miss your afection & gradualy settle down, even a lot sooner, if your daughter steps up to her resposibility & starts to teach her the very basics  of parenting.



    you were right to do that


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