    Help! I have just accidentally bleached my husband's favorite summer work shirt. Does anyone out there know how to fix this?

    +14  Views: 1432 Answers: 21 Posted: 13 years ago

    21 Answers

    daren1 has the best answer. Hide it. He'll think he lost it. That's what I used to do with my daughter's obscene rock T-shirts when she was a teen.

    Or, as I told Flip, greet your hub at the door with only THAT shirt on and tell him you are so hot that it faded the color right out of his shirt. I have a feeling that he'll be wanting you to bleach out a few more shirts after that!


    You are beyond the beyond cute!

    Replace it with an identical shirt if possible. Good luck!

    Greet him at the door in your sexiest nightwear.


    yes. in just a necktie

    Or ... just in THAT shirt! Tell him you are so hot, it faded the colors. I'm sure he will forgive you!

    I am afraid there is nothing you can do except to buy him a new shirt.


    Benchong, Have a great and safe weekend! :-)

    You too. Blessings.

    Hi Fish girl you could dye it but as the bleach is in the fabric (where the bleach has been even if you dyed it there would be a lighter patch) I sujest you bin it it got stole of wash line the washing machine chewed it up there are loads more or just say hey we ant all  perfect, good luck

    Find a quick scapegoat "Dog, Cat, Interior decorater, You fainted during doing laundry, etc" or as others stated try to replace or just tell him with a sad puppy look, maybe a tear or two.  GOOD LUCK!!

    "Rit" dye...


    Have you had success with this product? Try as I might, i have never had luck.
    Do you have a technique?
    If so, you are the Queen!

    I haven't really tried it. I do use bluing when I'm washing whites but be careful, I've turned a whole load of whites the prettiest sky blue...

    that always works

    A new  shirt appears to be best idea.

    Buy him a new one "Oh out of stock ! Do you have a cat  theres your answer it did a "Pee on it acid ""or dog" dont have pets "Well i dont like to suggest that leaves "only "You." HEY thats a "Song "He wont be singing you say .How about you ironed it "But you burnt it ,that happens a lot you know Just smile and "Early night "darling .That works with me when my wife does that to me .( i like to "Dream, or as my wife would say "In your "dreams


    The cat thing might work. I had a cat walk into the house 4 years ago and she hasn't left. She doesn't usually have such bad manners...oh who am I kidding!? Augh!

    Just tell your husband you were in bed with your lover. I am sure he will understand.


    It would be better to gave her husband the bleached shirt, then what you are suggesting.

    My husband wouldn't believe this story. He is too cute and he knows I think that. The man looked seriously good in that shirt.
    Le' Boo Hoo

    " This is a good time for (you) to become a missing person." :)


    Hilarious. I need an alias. I wonder if I look like a Carla.

    "Its better then bein a (JANE DOE)!" If you know what I mean." him another one...(:

    Face the man and tell him the truth - it's your first offence and maximum fine is cost of a new shirt. He understands u did not do it intentionally. Good luck


    This happened a very long time ago and I told him the truth the minute he came home from work... the shirt showed up again the other day... funny now.
    This question was posted ages ago!

    fishgirl, shouldn`t question have an expiry date, say 4-6 months so new questions are answered and if someone has a question similar to ine expired, it can be a new question- WHAT YOUR THOUGHT. Shell i pose the question to membership for feedback!

    Play dumb tell him you do not know where he put it last.


    Funny things happen. I forgot about this question. My husband found this particular shirt in the laundry room just before renovation. He has just a little funeral and now you find the question! Ha!

    Oh well sorry I was too late with the answer well that's me a day late and a dollar short LOL

    Head for Australia, I will protect you. wink wink nudge nudge.


    Oh my goodness! You are far too handsome for me. I would be fainting all day long.

    Get him a new one, it's only a shirt! Accidents happen.


     Weird.   I avoided this question because I had no idea what to do to fix it.....bleached out is bleached out.  I was just going to answer and admit I didn't know, but it's been fun reading the answers.  When I saw it was YOUR question, it was even better, because we "know" each other.   :D  
    I quite using bleach in the laundry a long time ago.   There are some good products for laundry that have bleach but don't bleach out the clothing.   

    hide it maybe he'll just think he lost it..


    This is cute. This question was one of my very first questions... The shirt has now had an official funeral with guests and punch!

    Buy him a stiff Dicky,that shoud help him put up a brave front,

    Cut the sleeves off ;)


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