    why can't we ever be together?

    so me and this boy have been knowing each other since the 3rd grade and he was one of my first crushes. he said i was also his. we would play childishly with each other all throughout 3rd and 4th grade. we went to different middle schools but i never did really for get him. in 7th grade i started cheering and our football team played his school and he played football. that was the first time i saw him in 2 years. all the feelings rushed back but we didnt speak cuz we only saw each other from a far. i continued to see him at games but we never spoke. then when high came along we went to different schools again but i still saw him at football games. one day he requested me on myspace and we began to chat..just as friensds though. at the end of 9th grade my mom wanted me to transfer schools little did i know he went to the new school i would go to. in 10th grade we were friends but a lot of people could tell we wanted to be more but we stayed in the friend zone until the summer before 11th grade when we started talkin..he told me how much he likes me and stuff but a few weeks later we drifted apart. i dont really know why though. when school started it was kinda awkward but we soon started talking again..the same thing happen after a few weeks. then he got a gf and i got a bf but we still shared a bond. we had the same friends so we were together a lot. we always flirted so a lot of people thought we were a couple.around prom we were texting and he told me how he really felt about me. he said he doesnt wanna lose me and he doenst know why we never take the next step. i agreed. i thought we had a breaking point but monday everything went back to normal like always. we didnt talk at all during the summer before senior year but became very close when school started back. this time we were serious. the last step was to make it official. but some how we went back to our norm and stopped talkin. we did this all throughout senior year and by the time summer came i thought it was all that didnt happen. we ended up going to the same college. now our cycle keeps going and i want it to stop. either we want to be together or we dont. i cant take this anymore. btw he told me he loves me a week ago but now were not talking AGAIN. please tell me why????????

    +1  Views: 334 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Dump him! He is playing head games and stringing  you along. He does whatever he want to and can come back to you at any time. You are there waiting! Girl wake up! Walk away and keep walking! This is your puppy love, crush, first love, all one sided. Your no more than a toy to him, a sweet distraction when he needs one. End it.

    because hes not the one your supposed to be with but prince charming will come sooner or later


    Did you figure out your own problems within the last 20 minutes and now you can give advice?

    because hes not the one


    Did you figure out your own problems within the last 20 minutes and now you can give advice?

    Just when you think all is lost , you will find another. You are young with lots to learn.

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