    Now I understand, and yes the authorities are involved. She calls them every time she gets mad at me should I tell this last officer that he is being used as another way to attack me?

     My daughter "wishes i 

    I was in the ground and hates me with all of her soul"the problem is that she hates me now and it was her grandmother last, anybody that really knows her and calls her on it she hates,Its so bad that her wrath is something the whole family fears and she loves it.what turned her on me was me, her grandmother was involved in her upbringing her father and I were divorced and when mad at one of the 3  she would go to another I tried to stop it but granny and dad wouldn't cooperate.Granny was a very good person, kind and called it like it was. . when, I'll call her M, got in her late teens she was mean to Granny to  the point Granny calls me and tells me the only time she had to take a pill for her heart was when M would verbally attack her.(it got physical to me) well I told M to stop it with granny( whom I would do anything for and so would everyone else that is how good a person she was) I told M she could kill her grandmother and to leave her alone before she did. M had spent most of her Jr and high school years with granny (my X'S mom) Dad had remarried and so had I, and she was living with us.We had helped  her new husband get a job and allowed them to live with us M and I, had only had, to that point arguments when I called her on her behavior but would always get past them.She hated her step "monstermom" so dad kinda faded out .But when I told her she was Killing gran her sights were on me.Her new husband got fired Which started a pattern and after 4 days of him sleeping or playing vidio games and my husband leaving before daylight and coming home after dark I told her hubby to get up or get  out! well, that was the 1st death threat she had ever given me and with that my hubby stepped in and out they went. I still helped her they went to dads she would call with horror drama everyday day they got a place she got preg. and It was a bad pregnancy, I was there, driving 2 hundred miles for special. doctors, groceries,nights at hospital with her so sick, that was my place and I did all I could to help.I was so happy to  helpi her deliver., The 1st year they had no car. hubby would leave  for weeks and my hubby would pay for most and i would do the rest. when we found porn on our comp. not just basic either we warned them. At this point she was disrespectful cursing me and  fighting with everyone else, her brother had disowned her,. she almost broke up his marriage and bankrupted him her dad tried but he was happy with his wife and M was bent on ruining that,.granny was sick  so I felt I couldn't or would',t stop helping them. I promised granny on her death bed I would.Well we are not rich and again they lied about paying us anything crashed the comp. Porn with same sex partners, so we found out their secrets, which that's their bussiness but comp. are expensive and the final straw was after we enjoyed being santa for our grandchild, they took the child and said we would never ever see the child again.They found his family would help since the baby was almost a year old and they had only seen the child once.That didnt last long, but M was true to her word and used her child as a weapon to and still does. I ask another family member about my grandchild, it got back to her and for mothers day I got a 7 min.voicemail cursnig me and wishing me dead.M is divorced now I ran into her X and told him he owed us a lot of money his response was get it from M he hates her and dont speak or see her (she wants him back he has a giri friend that i feel really afraid for ) but he must have called her, because again, calls threats and police were called for the 3rd time in as many years and she said I was harassing her and all off this is the tip of the iceberg (titantics iceberg )she lost a box somehow I took it, the CPS was called, I did it, Her husband cheated and divorced her, again it was my fault, and all the this time i have not seen her or called her,The only commuication we have had is her calling me just to curse' yell blame or threaten I have prayed and still do. I tried to get her to go to counseling.  I am past tears and I dont ask God why Anymore I need peace when she does these things I say I love u anyway I dont answer when I know its her but weeks will go by she will use some other phone and I pick it up. I love her I do but I have enough evidence witness to  really get her into trouble I dont want to but she is going to hurt me or worse but i still dont want to tell the police she is using them to

    +1  Views: 505 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    One, get  a restraining order against her.

    Two, forget her. You have to lose the grand kids but you don't have them anyway.

    Three, you are no longer mommy. You simply brought her into the world. It's her life now.

    Four, stop being an enabler. Every time you pay money or give her a place to live, you are enabling her anti social behavior. Cut the strings. She does not need a mommy, she needs a psychiatrist and that's up to her and no one else.

    Five, enjoy your life and your husband. He is your world now.


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