    what word is better u dislike or hate....


    +4  Views: 758 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    dislike not as severe as hate.

    It depends on how much you dislike.  I dislike homework and I hate to eat spinach.

    Dislike be averse to despise,desest,disapprove

    Hate loath not able to bear or abide or stand, object to, take a dim view noun aversion animosity antipathy,diasproval,distaste,enmity,hostility,repugnance

    When you look at both words they are as bad as one another

    The word hate is the most hurtful word in the English language, you should never hate anything or anybody.. Get pissed off at them, smack 'em around a bit, kick em in the groin but don't hate them.. LOL

    Well some of this i believe in-- Not all..  

    I have to give a thumbs up to all three of the answers before mine.

    Dislike is much more benign than hate. 
    Personally, hatred is very emotionally and physically exhausting.  It creates feelings of nausea and nervousness.  It causes a degree of panic because there is a strong desire to be physically agressive to get the feeling out of my system.  Hatred is consuming, often not allowing me to appreciate and enjoy the blessings all around me.  It creates an aura around me that people want to avoid.  It is like exuding the smell of garlic, old gym socks, and a really foul BM into the atmosphere....nobody want to be around THAT!

    You can have hatred, but  It is behind me and I never get that riled up about anything.  The only thing hate was destroying was me. 


    Beautifully stated. In my home as I grew up, we were not allowed to use this word, not even 'I hate doing this or that'.

    Hate is love turned inside out..

    You said it. Life is over way too quickly to waste a minute indulging hate.


    Nada ... I say : " I prefer [bla bla bla]..."

    DISLIKE stands alone,,hate is the stupid word,,but it will always exist..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. 

    Hate is such a strong word...

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