    Does he abused childern

    I have found brusies on the kids from the dowel stick that he uses to spank them includeing the three yr old for leaving her blanket in her bedroom floor .
    My daughter is on welfare

    Living with children,ages 9 to three and uses a dowel as a correction stick,sometimes leaves bruises . To strict on baby,and older children, uses dowel to correct behavior. and sometimes leaves bruises. The childrens names are Gilliian, Savannah and Haley. He never sees his kids, for same reason, that he hits these kids

    0  Views: 378 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    He is being abusive. Report him to CPS.  Generally speaking, a report must be made when an individual knows or has reasonable cause to believe or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect. These standards guide mandatory reporters in deciding whether to make a report to child protective services.

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