    Where were you on September 11, 2001 and how has the event affected you and your loved ones?

    How did you first hear the news?  Your initial reaction?

    +11  Views: 1348 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    I was in Washington D.C. that day doing work for the government and I was totally SHOCKED when we got the call, I had a friend in the Pentagon that didn't go to work that day. I lost a friend that worked  at the Twin Towers. It's a day that WE will NEVER forget.


    It seems like yesterday too.

    I was outside siding my house on that September morning.I was dumbstruck at first.The agency I work for(State Government)locked down all of their facilities.We were also @ Ground Zero working in the recovery for months afterward.Also as a volunteer firefighter our department worked a 24 hour shift @ the site.The experience of watching history unfold in front of your eyes is awe inspiring.Very difficult to put into words.The sights,sounds and even smells are something that I will remember forever.It still boggles my mind how 343 brother firefighters perished at the same incident.Very sad!!!


    Thank you. You put tears in my eyes.
    metal face

    Thank you Chiangmai.We as citizens of the world must never allow this to happen to anyone else again.

    Ah men!

    I got up in the morning and put the T.V on and couldn't believe what I was watching, every channel had it covered for days on end.Still shaking my head in disbelief.Very very sad.

    We were in the garage waiting to pick up my Husbands car and we were in the waiting area and they had a television and we could not belive our eyes as we watched the first twin towers go into flames then they showed the plane going into it every one in that garrage just stopped what they were doing the phones were going mad cells land lines people were crying mt husband and I were just speechless we watched in horror and on the 19th of september we were exchanging contracts for the house we bought I was so excited but everything on the 11th changed that I felt that everything was so insignificant and I felt bad that we had to speak to people about the house as everyone was affected and my hearts goes out for all those people who died and thier familys I still think about often


    Not only did you feel sad for the loss of lives that day, the images of terrified people running in all directions were also incredibly horrifying.

    Yes Your right there Chaing

    My wife was in Ohio, I was in CA, we live in CA--- I was totally shocked, I still am.. The next day my wife came back to CA, she was a nervous wreck as was everyone on that flight.. It was a terrible time for the USA and the world. The change is that since that time, at first we Americans came together, today we have much hatred in this country basically because this had changed us all, we live in a different world now as a result of that terrible day.


    One day from your wife probable seemed like forever!

    At that time? yes, i wanted her back home with me.. however, I I am used to it, she goes back to Ohio and Tennessee at least 4 times per year, he family is there.. How could I ever refuse her of not seeing her family? So I deal with it..

    Vinny: She flew back the next day? I thought there was a ban on all flights for about 3 days???

    No Flip, that is not true.. The grounded all flights for one day, the following day they resumed. She was back home on the evening of the 12th.. Of course she was coming from Cincinnati Ohio to San Jose CA so each airport may have had different agendas, things were a total mess those few days afterwards. My wife was on a flight with many nervous people but she said it was amazing knowing that everyone was concerned but it was a very good flight there was no problems from scared passengers. And they were scared..

    I was hurriedly getting dressed for an aerobic class. Husband was on the treadmill. 

    "Hey! Itsmee ... Come see what's on the TV. The Towers are down and a plane crashed into the Pentagon."

    I thought he was watching some weirdo show that had been recorded from the night before.

    "Bye! I'm off to class,"

    "Bye? He shouted back."

    When I got to class, the music had started really loud and we all kept the beat.

    After class everybody went their own way -- nobody talked. (We usually did)

    In the car, I turned on the radio. Terrified, I drove to my husband's workplace. We were in a location that was right over the hill from Diablo Nuclear Power Plant. We were in the first ring of danger. In other words, if there was any further trouble our location would be the first to evacuate.

    We walked the streets of Morro Bay that night. Everybody seemed real rigid and dazed over. It was bizarre. After that, I spent my daze on the computer chat rooms which were monitored closely by the government. (That's what we all thought anyway.)

    Our daughter called from Las Vegas "Mom all the lights are out, all the places are locked up. No planes are flying out of the airport," she said. "Will you pick us up? she said and it was hard to hear her because she was all broken up with sudden hysteria.

    We were getting ready for the six-hour drive when she called back and told us they had a ride. (They rode the six hours with a flight attendant who cried allll the way home)

    Report from California


    I think we all "grew" up that day.

    I was waiting to be seen by my physical therapist as I had a detached ACL of my left knee....I thought I was seeing previews of some new movie as I gazed at the television in the reception area....turns out my physical therapist was from New York City (this was in Chicago) and I was absolutely amazed at how well she was able to keep herself "together" as we all listened to the unfolding events of that particular terrible day.


    She was an exception. Most of us were in disbelief.

    logan airport working on the infastructure (bigdig).driving a dumptruck, while on coffe break i was sitting in in a buddys truck the news came through on his tv what had just happened as we were watching this the second plane had hit , minutes later mass state police (troop f) locked down the airport... the entire jobsite was in total shock . we had gathered around kc portable tv to see what had gripped the nation steming from 2 out of the 3 flight that had literally just passed us by, after about an hour of total confusion we were all sent home and were told to stay until future notice,.logan airport as well as the countrys airports were shut down i think it at least 5 days .. the creepiest part was watching the F-16s buzzzing the coast ...somthing never seen before in boston as well as the silence...


    I would have been scared stiff being at the origin of all the troubles to be followed.

    I was doing my usual routine. Took my dog for a walk. When I came back, I turned the TV on and started cleaning up the house.i did not have the sound on in the TV. Just finished cleaning the kitchen and walked into Livingroom. I saw pictures of smoke coming out of towers and I turned on the sound in TV. I sat on the couch in total disbelief.. 20 minutes later I came out of schock and phoned my friend and Neighbors and Family. This has forever changed my life. I can still visualize it, as if it happened yesterday.


    As did the rest of us.

    I received a call at 2:50 a.m. (Hawaii Standard Time) from my sister who lived in New Jersey, telling me that there was a fire at the World Trade Center.  I turned on the TV and a few minutes later I saw, on live TV, the second plane going through the building.  My heart immediately sank.  I realized then that that event was the biggest event in my life time, and that America and the world would never be the same again.  I did not feel safe for the first time, yet I was 5000 miles away from New York City.

    I remember wondering what would make someone hate another group of people so much that he would be willing to give up his life for.  There were a lot of what's and why's yet I could not come up with answers.  The day was a total "blank" for me.

    It was my saddest day as an American.



    Thanks Chiangmai I dont know what to say !!its too sad

    It was a truly unbelievably sad day.


    I was in Georgetown Ky. getting fuel for my rig, when I went inside to the fuel desk to pay for the fuel  the tv was on and it was showing  the 1st tower that had been hit,  I remember asking the clerk what movie was that , and his reply  no movie  its real  a plane  had hit the WTC,  I remember thinking to myself  .that a B-25 bomber had hit the Empire state ww2 and now another had hit  the WTC  just a short time later  the 2nd. plane came in a hit the other bldg.  Then everyone knew for sure  this was no accident.  Its all so clear in my memory as though it was just yesterday.


    It's almost life completely stopped for a day nationwide. Yes, I can recall vividly how my heart sank with the news.

    It was the day of my baby's two month check up.  My sister woke me up before leaving for work and told me to turn on the T.V.  I was so scared.  First thing that came across my mind was for the safety of my baby.  How could I raise my child in this crazy world?  What have I done?  How am I going to keep my baby safe?  For a minute, I regretted having my daughter.  I was too scared for her. 

    She made ten this year and I'm still worried about her future.  There are so much hate in this world and it's sad.  The only comfort I have is knowing that Jesus will be with us, watching over us, no matter what.



    If your daughter is anything like you, she'll be fine. I think your feeling's shared with many here as well.

    I was in High Point, doing a home health visit. The TV was on. I thought the world had gone mad!

    I took the rest of the day off, watching the news coverage, in disbelief, and horror.

    I was watching the news when it all happened, I will never forget.

    There was a lot of songs written about 911 in the months after and most where free downloads from people that just wanted to say something, I got a lot on a cd that I play over and over in my car. I will never forget.


    I, like you, will never forget that day. We all pray this kind of event does not happen to us again!

    Thank you, Randy

    Id been to the hospital with my son,i went into the kitchen to get tea ready,he went in the front room and put the tv on.And he called through"theres been a plane crash in America".I went into the front room to see the news and it was a case of what the hell has happened?............ Ill never forget that day

    @ leosmami: Neither will I.  We will never forget. What a world changing event day.   It feels like yesterday.  It has affected everybody worldwide. 

    Thank you.

    I was shocked to watch the "Horror on TV Poor people confused not under standing what was happening they "Evil "Cowards thats what they are not men  arm to arm combat they would run and run to "Hell It does not go "away never will and shoud"nt be forgotten RIP and to the love ones left to get on with "what lives they have I bow and say from Scotland Bless you all.


    Amen, dowsa!

    I was at work, we all gathered around the guy who had a 1 inch TV screen and we watched the second plane hit.  Needless to say, production was down for that day.

    I don't mean to sound tasteless but I found this to be true:

    Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary of when we were all nice to each other for a few weeks.

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