    I am trying to reinstate my licence, the registry wants me to install a breathalyzer in my truck, and pay 500 dollars.

    Problem: the registry can't find my dui from 1983. They have the docket # but no information dated back that far. Question: Can they still charge me for 2 dui 's if they lost the records?

    0  Views: 320 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Sorry Dui in New Mexico is a huge problem so youll find no sypathy here .Two possible directions here pay the money and install the thing  and start driving with valid license. Second try fighting the system either with a lawyer or alone .Wait till its resolved and not drive. Spend more than the 500 on legal fees and lose and pay another 500 and install the stuff.  Tough love here Suck it up and pay up stop sniveling and get on with your life . Time is better spent on other things. Fact is if you drink and drive you are a jerk trying to kill someone. Gave no thought to us now you want mercy and a way out LOL you are very funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    still walking

    Thanx for your lecture and im not sniveling about paying or installing that thing, What I want to know is if their 2 stupid not to have my records why would they charge for something they can't prove. AND YES ANYBODY THAT DRINKS AND DRIVES IS A PIECE OF SHIT. I DON'T DRINK ANY LONGER AND AM A RESPONSIBLE PERSON TODAY.

    The records are stored somewhere  its all in understanding the procedure and chain of command. When asking a question to government people you must speak like they think . The key to sucess is to ask the right question to the right person . So here the focus is on Records and where do old ones live ???? Then the focus is on your records and where are they ??? Dui goes on your DMV records forever  and thats all they need to make you install a device . These road blocks to your licence must be satisfied and the time between the conviction and you doing it does not count .You can wait a whole bunch of years and as you can see now it still must be done and finished before the next step your licence is allowed .As a user of public trasportation and a full time pedestrian ,thank you for not drinking and driving . Funny thing here in New Mexico ,you can not buy a drink no matter your age if you dont have a lic. I let my lic go years ago for medical reasons ,now I cant have a beer with my burger unless I can prove the possibility of driving from the restraunt is available . I am 60 and being carded by children these 20 somethings . Go figure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Driving is a priveldge,not a right.If the authorities say you must,do you have another option?Logic would say no.Does your attorney have any of this info in their records?

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