    why can people be so unfair

    +3  Views: 833 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Greetings aspire...!

    (One year later)

    Perception.  Plain and simple.  Everyone thinks in their own manner.  What is 'unfair' to you may not be 'unfair' to others and "Vicey-versey" .............. So sad and so true.


    Life is a very interesting box of chocolates and some of those chocolates are the one's we never want to eat... the icky ones with the centers that just don't taste very good.  :(




    Always the last ones in the box.


    On the up-side ... Have a glorious day!






    And you Fishy,xxx

    :) And, of course, you as well Dennis.... SWOON Thud! You are far too handsome for this little fish.

    Some of those fish have valid points!!! And, very big teeth!

    What ocean have you been swimming in?

    Oh, that one... Yep pointy fish everywhere! Watch out for the smiling yellow ones... Nasty!

    This is where you place the words, "Winnie the Pooh" ... can't get suspended for that.

    Repeat after me... "OH Winnie the POOH!"

    Effective and we know what you mean!

    When placed with Winnie, it is completely acceptable. We are talking about literature! ... The good stuff. :)

    "Flying Fig" ...

    The Fig is a lovely flowering plant from the genus Ficus and will not land you in the "suspended soup".

    Seriously useful plant for soooooooo many reasons. The anti-rude plant! How about that???!!!

    Fishlet: Is Dennis someone to swoon over? I’ll bet he had to look up “swoon” That’s a very old term. I didn’t mean that he ain’t bright. He is!
    Fishlet: Is Dennis Awesome & Cool? : D

    @ itsmee ... He's green!

    Fishlette: With a green triangular face he just can’t go wrong. Swoon. Thud. : ) (I don’t think that’s a triangle)

    Don, there's a point on the top of the head of a bullhead. It's like a horn.And there's points at the end of other fish's fins.

    @itsmee.... He is a square set on point..... Swoooooon ..... Thud!!!

    How about the Volitan Lionfish mcm? ... Very pointy and dangerous... Darn good looking though!

    Don: You are a purple sun~the color of the kings!

    Dont let it worry you ,just potter around in the garden shed,,


    You know, this is just one of the best quotes I’ve seen, Dennis. : )
    I’m going to write it below so it’s easier to follow.
    aspire: "Why can people be so unfair?"
    Hector aka Dennis: "Don’t let it worry you. Just potter around in the garden shed.”


    Shucs,its nothing realy itsme,its just the way i tell emm,

    Is it 'potter' or 'putter' or does it not matter

    Aspire I find that people cannot see beyond themselves- they do not consider what is fair or unfair to another they are so concerned with what affects them. They just do not understand the concept of being fair to another if it does not affect them. So very much a syndrome of society these days. Too much wrapped up in themselves. Do not worry about this - they are the ones loosing out.


    I Know what you mean,why do i get all the good ideas,and right answers,oh well we we are all different,

    It is so difficult hanging out with Dear Dennis the Brill! Le' Sigh..... Swoon and Thud!

    Fishlet I have always told you - you are just something else - how lucky you are to have Dear Denise. Takes two to tango but better to dance as one which I just know you do.

    Dennis is a special nut Poppy... One of a kind. :) He has a fan club!

    Fishlet I know this Dennis is delicious - just love the Le'sigh.

    Most people, when given the choice, will take the advantage, the better or bigger piece, and anything else they can get their hands on.  It's not "fair" when everyone doesn't get exactly the same as everyone else. 

    Some will study and work harder to get the advantage.  Others are just naturally advantaged, or just plain lucky.  Some will be underhanded to wrongfully gain the advantage.  

    I don't know that people being unfair is the real problem, here; I think it's more likely you meant to say that LIFE is unfair. Fortunately, it's a temporary situation. 


    It is a temporary situation. ... Some things are funnier than others! :D (I have no idea why we take things so seriously!)

    Totally! I mean, seriously, what's the point! heh heh heh (not quite LOL)

    it's mans inhumanity to man.


    It’s womens inhumanity to women also. Not so much, but there’s plenty of it.

    mycatsmom Exactly - I guess it's another world and like Bob says no point taking it seriously - but it is good if you have someone like her to say this - I am not so sure it is just life though at the end of the day is just life after the fall out that is the uncaring x Depends on experiences in life - if that makes sense.

    I agree, animals are much nicer people.

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