    Have you ever had a psychic person foretell the future correctly?

    Or correctly guess your past activities or interests?

    +3  Views: 615 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Yes i have been to many,anything that was predicted came true, but only the negative stuff.

    dangerous stuff now your flirting with the devil.. even satan knows the future..ever wonder how come you don't read in the papers phychic wins big on lottery ?


    Probably they don't win any more than the general population it's not news. I happen to not believe in them but my curious side says it might be possible so I ask the question. Perhaps the responses will enlighten me. Thanks for the warning.

    i beleive phychics are one of two things real or fake. the real ones are for real, but you got ask your self how do they know thigs like my aunt betty died in a car accident, weater you care to beleive it or not they are purveyors of the evil one. the bible warns of this, even though it might seem like harmless fun, it's really not, it's tragic magic....

    There are those who suggest or predict a certain event and it happens. Guessing the result of the roll of dice correctly normally occurs 20% of the time. If you are off  that either way then you are predicting the result. If you are guessing 5% correctly, for example, then you may strongly believe that you have no predictive ability but that proves you do. The ability to know what is going to happen is natural. You know water will flow from a spigot that you turn on. This magical ability is commonplace but a hundred years ago hot and cold running water in a household was astonishing and if you had that 500 years ago you may have been burned alive at the stake. Magical supernatural ability today is tomorrows new normal. 

    yes,i went to see a medium a few years ago and some of stuff she told me was uncannily accurate.and no,no way could she have known prior to my visiting her.strange...

    i have been too  afraid to go to a psychic. i would really like to go.


    i sound too wishy-washy.

    When i was 18 I tryed a palm reader and yes all of it came true. And now the tender age of 60  I run as fast as i can past this places.

    Years ago when I worked in Hong Kong, one day an Indian fortune teller came to my office.  He said he could tell what would happen to me if give him $10.  I declined his offer.  Before he left, he asked me whether there was any person working next door.  I said to him, "You should be able to tell."  He rushed out of my office.


    Ha-ha-ha. I love it.

    I knew a guy who made a lot of money working as a psychic and writing a book about it. He sure never predicted anything for me. I wouldn't let him.

    I don't believe in it. I think it's a cult of personality - a parlor trick.  However, I think it's scary.



    itsmee, I agree with you. Nene

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