    how many years can a dog live for?

    +2  Views: 1020 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Mine is 14 and it's still  alive and kicking.

    think it depends on the breed.smaller dogs seem to live longer than large breeds although border collies can live into their teens,mine was 13 when she passed away

    We had a German Shepherd and Chow mixed that lived to 15 years old.

    It depends on the breed of the dog and also luck of the draw. Large breed dogs tend to live shorter lives but this isn't always the case. My sister had a black Lab that lived until she was 14 ... that would be considered 2 bonus years as the average life span for that breed is 12 years.

    it depends on the breed a lot of large dogs dont live as long as small breeds please look at the breed you have it will normaly tell you what age and what common ailments they would have


    I had a fox terrier who lived to be 22 yrs. Smaller dogs live longer if kept healthy, happy and are well loved. Feeding them organic healthy foods helps too. I make my dog's food from scratch. Commercial dog food really has little nutrition and usually causes weight gain in dogs. I also do not give them all the vaccinations the vets recommend. They get their rabies ever 4 years as required by law but then that's it. Everything else is a poison and will shorted their lifespan in my opinion. 



    What breed of dog did you have that live to be 20? Was it a small dog?

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