    how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes I need a formula

    +2  Views: 571 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    try cucumber or used t bags or cold coffee....the coffee has cafine and this stimulates under the eyes cucumber will get the eyes cool down and reduce the swelling use both if severe


    I Tried a cucumber,but forgot to slice it,it made my eyes water,

    When you find it, let me know?

    For some people the dark circles are caused by allergies (myself included).  Once the allergies are dealt with the black circles go away.

    Dark circles can also be caused by cigarette smoking. 


    Have you tried a pipe,Fishy,??

    Goodness No, Dennis. How would that look?... A little blue fish smoking a pipe ... Blub-eek!

    Some natural home remedies for dark circles.

    Drink at least ten glasses of water every day.

    Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, especially for people having dark circles under their eyes.

    Wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 under the eyes to prevent skin weakening caused by sun damage.

    Use plain cool teabags over closed eyes. Don’t use herbal teabags, because most aren't as effective.

    Apply cool cucumber slices over closed eyes for 15 minutes.

    Make a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes.

    Grate raw potato, squeeze the juice and apply the juice under your eyes for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can also place thin slices of potato on your eyes (with them closed) every night before you retire. This is one of the most popular and time-tested home remedies for dark circles. You can also place used tea bag (cold) on your eyes which helps lessen the darkness - Avoid exposing your skin to harsh rays of the sun. Especially for the eyes, wear sunglasses whenever you step out in the sun.

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