    are we really in a free country?can I stop paying my tax then?freedom of choice right

    0  Views: 405 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    if you want to stop paying your taxes go for it ,then you'll see exactly what kind of freedoms you really got!


    yes I kinda figured it....just wanted to check with other thinkers what their point of view is...and I guess also trying to see if I am the only one imagining things or is it really happening...enslaving humanity from the Elite of this new world order

    you can't escape the nwo, no matter what,eventually we will all have micro chips (rfid) big brother is soon to be your only brother!

    You are free to stop paying any time. You may not enjoy the response you recive ,but if you wish just stop.They get real unfriendly when you fail to pay tribute to the over priviledged.I mean we are just unruly unwashed inbred nothings taking up space on lifes highway.How dare we be in their way ??/ We should of course just pay up quietly and go stand in the cornor so they can enjoy the fruits of our labor  with out interference from low class wage slaves. How dare we want to use the parks and beaches we payed for. Those are reserved for the wealthy.

    thanks for your feedback bluesman!

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