    What "red tape" have you encountered and what tactic did you use in overcoming it?

    0  Views: 646 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    One Sunday morning, I stopped at the county jail to visit my 23-year-old son before going to church. * I "took a number" and waited for it to be called (about 15 minutes).  Approaching the deputy sheriff's desk, I gave him my son's name, and provided my identification card when asked (to confirm that I am indeed the visitor I claim to be).  The deputy THEN advised me that I was dressed inappropriately to visit the prisoner (my top was sleeveless).  Inappropriate for a jail viist, but probably the "best dressed"  at my church.  Go figure.

    I stomped out to my car, mumbling to myself like many people in Fresno do (and we are a scary bunch, let me assure you), pulled a t-shirt out of the overnight bag I carry in my trunk (prepared like a boy scout!), and stomped back to the county jail, where I (repeat from *) with a second deputy who had materialized.  Total time approaching an hour at this point.

    THIS time, I was allowed to enter the elevator, proceed to the 5th floor, and take a seat at one of the phones, where I waited for my son.  After several minutes, an announcement came over the loudspeaker demanding to know who was there to see my son.  I raised my hand and the voice told me I couldn't see him because his "pod" was in "lockdown".

    Now, this is something those geniuses in the lobby already knew, that the visit wasn't allowed for disciplinary reasons.  The whole red tape and hoop-jumping really got to me.  When I got back to the lobby, I pointedly, but politely, inquired of the two deputies why they didn't just tell me he was in lockdown at the beginning.  Was their behavior just done to harass me?   Empty apologies followed, with the second accepting total responsibility.  NO, I wanted to scream.  The creep who vetoed my attire knew and should have told me no visit AND advised me on the sleeveless business. THAT was what irritated me more than anything. DUMBASS DEPUTY.

    I got through the red tape with persistence, but didn't get the visit with my son.  It's still on my mind to contact "internal affairs" and make a formal complaint concering the subhuman way prisoners' visitors are treated by some of the deputies. 

    Thanks for letting me vent on this one.


    May your Son be released soon and I hope he vindicates any charges against him. The acrimonious behavior of those deputies is sick and abusive red tape I thought I hear about when I asked the question. From my viewpoint I've lost tremendous respect for the entire law enforcement establishment due to several reasons and the lack of their own inability to weed out the misfits in their own organizations. Meanwhile the police shootings and beatings and lying continues.
    Thanks for sharing you story. Good Luck.

    Thanks, Producer. My son will have to vindicate himself by not doing stupid things anymore. But, yeah, there are alot of law enforcement people who are just slimy. I won't get into the phone call I received from a retired sheriff's deputy the other day or go into the way a friend of mine is hit on by the local PD (most of them married).
    I was in court this morning for my son's arraignment (this being the oldest one....honestly, they were not raised to be criminals). Court was supposed to start at 8:30 AM. The attorneys and most of the defendants (who weren't in custody) showed up more than 10 minutes late. We took an hour recess at 9:15. The time before, it took more than 90 minutes for ANYTHING to get done. Needless to say, but being said anyway, I don't have much respect for the judicial system I've been witnessing recently.

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