    should i get back wiht my ex boyfreind although his a cheat and lied to me?

    +2  Views: 400 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    If you want him to continue to disrespect you, sure. To take him back would mean you've accepted his previous disrespect. What would stop him from doing it again?

    I really am not trying to avoid your question, I know you are searching for an answer. I also know that you are looking for permission from someone, anyone, to make another go at it. Again though, you already know how to handle your situation. You may not like what you know to be the right way but that is the way life is. I wish you all the best in your search. Look inside of yourself for the truth, it's there, it always has been there.


    Thank youu..

    you are very welcome...are you ok?

    Hell no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      He is genetically programmed to do it.  

    Should you? You tell already know the right thing to do....don't you?


    the thing is he keeps aplogising..would it be worth giving it another shot?

    hell no.  buck up  there are more guys out there who will appreciate and respect yo9u.


    Would you go back to a Doctor, who removed your breast, when he was suppose to remove your tonsils?

    I'd would haft to agree with everyone ans, "no" but there always room to forgive and forget,and move on to the next pain.

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