    how do you eliminate all junkmail

    0  Views: 279 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    That's the next question right after "what is the meaning of life". The only way is to make sure you have a good security system in place, your computer removes all cookies and browsing history on a regular basis. You put all junk emails in your spam folder each day, and keep your browsing history on private status if you can. That will help.

    good luck on that one. Just like snail mail, you will always get junk mail. You just need to tweak your spam settings so that junk mail goes to that folder, Tweaking it is still an everyday thing though. Eliminate junk mail? If you ever enter your email address on the web, you will get it and there is no stopping it

    There is no way of avoiding email messages, but you can set different email addresses as spam mailers and every message from those messages can be put in the spam box. You can check your spam box once a while to clean it and to make sure that there is no important messages that accidently arrived to it

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