    what is the worst drug ever

    +1  Views: 626 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    To me, Thalidomide:  A drug that was used as a sedative in the 1950's that caused new born children to have no limbs.  It's very upsetting to me to see many of these victims around the world, many of whom are in their 40's, 50's and 60's.

    in my experience ,alcohol


    So many men in my family have had this problem. The women escaped it. I hope things are going well for you and that you're beating the addiction.

    That probably would depend on who you ask. It would also depend on if you are talking about legal scrips or illegal street drugs. Your question is broad and does not have a simple answer. Why would you want to know this anyway? If you are 'clean', stay that way. Any drug legal or street can be a problem. If you are prescribed something then follow the instructions you are given. If you are wanting to experiment, DON'T!

    Anything that is considered an illegal drug is the worst drug ever - they will kill you.

     a drug is something that is toxic to your body.  Tobacco has more toxins than anything else. Why ,the tobacco companies adds them to the products and inhaling the burning vapors creates more . But people that use the products dont care about the future agonizing death they will feel. If you saw the lungs of a smoker you would vomit.


    Nicotine is more addictive than Heroin. (I've read it many times and I found it almost impossible to get off of. I use Nicotine gum now) People who smoke DO care/ They are almost unable to do anything about their situation.

    thank you itsmee,my last drink was 10 and a half years ago.and im not going to have one today


    Good to hear you have been clean for 10 half years well done as they say a day at a time luv ya dog lol

    A difficult question to answer.  One man's poison is another man's meat.

    thank you xxxxx


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