    How would you treat panic attacks in a child?

    My daughter is 11, and has had panic attacks for a few years. The doctor suggested that we use a medication (perscription) that is an antihistimine (like benodryl) . HAs anyone had any experiance with this?

    +4  Views: 628 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thanks Jenn for your comment I think what you said might really help and she might respond better to a other person, dont get me wrong you are her Mom but as teenagers are teenagers they do respond better to a outside person than Family good luck with her ( sorry I thought she was a Teenager but she could be going through Pubity which will certainly on set the panic attacks Mel LOL

    5 Answers

    Jenn.  Benadryl is an antihistamine which generally relaxes a person and puts them to sleep.  Sounds like the Dr. is trying a quick fix for an unresolved problem.  Now that she is getting older and going into puberty, they might be getting worse.  Please take her to see someone more experienced with this and get a real diagnosis.  Panic attacks are awful.   I take. Xanax for mine.  It makes my stomach stop hurting and calms me down.  Good luck with your daughter.  God Bless her and You.


    The medication he wants to put her on is perscribed for panic attact but it is not a seditive. Thank you for the blessings.. we can surely use them.

    IJenn, I had anxiety attacks when I was 24 yrs. old. My mother in law told me to put a paperbag over  my nose and mouth and breathe in and out until it went away. It really worked.for me. I always hated to take medication and always look for alternatives.I hope this is just a passing thing for your daughter. She is so young.


    That is how she has been treating them at school for the past few years. But lately they have gotten worse.

    decrease exposure, introduce  her slowly with a treat she enjoys when finished, this doesnt have to be big, a cuppa, a chocolate, or a game with you, just something she enjoys, gradually (hopefully) her anxiety will decrease as she will look forward to the treat when the task is done,instead of focusing on only the fear she is feeling.

    Panic attacks are nasty,especially for a child.Try and find out what her fears are,because that is what usually sets one off,whilst in a panic attack ,get her to relax and breath in  through her nose  counting to 5 and breathe out through her mouth counting to 5,this will bring her breathing back to normal,do this for about 5 to 10 minutes and it will eventually subside.

    Hi Jenn I had them from my early teens and they can be very scarry I always carried a brown paper bag with me until I was in my thirtys some were worse than others when it got bad I was scared I went to the hospital and I met a woman Doctor and she sat me down and said you really have to get ahold of this and then taught me how to breath to slow the heart rate down but do have to be careful because of your blood pressure getting to low I still have them and now I have learnt to control them with out the panic if you know what I mean she must do a deep breath and let out all that bad air and just keep doing it until her heart rate slows down and keep reassuring her that she will be fine in the Uk there are clinics for this and they show how to breath I at one stage was on Mothers little helper called Valluim and became hooked on them for 5yrs and then wnet to rehab to get off them please don t let her go on medication hope this has helped Jenn lol


    Great advice, Mel!

    Thank you Pamela :-)

    Thank you. I have had them my whole life.. But I didnt panic.. I knew it would pass. She just freaks out... Ithought about letting her see a therapist.

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