    I am sick of questions ,so take a journey with me : Go to you tube type Iz in the search bar ,look for "Ill be there for you" Listen to that and see if life dont seem better for just a minute. All Iz music is good so I hope you enjoy. The Bluesman !!!!!

    Just needed a little pick me up .   Bill

    +1  Views: 503 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Oh yes, Bruddah Iz.  He was the best singer, absolutely wonderful. 

    My favorite song:  IN DIS LIFE

    FOR ALL YOU WOMEN:  Listen to it and you'll fall in love with Bruddah Iz, and Hawaii.

    Thank you bluesman1951

    Sour grapes.

    I dont need  councling or guidance all I need is her address.

    Amazing,truly amazing all this crap because I did one nice thing. I am sick of this conversation  with you Ill bet you have 6 yappy dogs that annoy the hell out of everyone. Go live your life and enjoy all the things in it just leave me alone. To all those who wish to ask me a question : Spell check your work, give enough details so I can get on the same page with you,Think about what you ask !!!!! Make a whole and complete sentence finish the thought. I am not a mind reader nor a darn physic card reader nor do I have in my possession a magic black arts game board to divine your future.Try acting like grownups and use common sense when you ask a question. I am not your librarian do some homework then ask your question. Its better to have people think you are a moron than to open ones mouth and confirm it . Dont look for hand holding from me. Lifes tough !!!! Really tough if you are stupid!!!!!!!! Think before you post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You need a vacation and you also need to let go of this anger you have towards women. Your wife cheated on you. We know. It's been a few months now and you still despise all women because of what she did. We know. That is really what this is all about. You can not control who asks the questions and how they ask the questions. You can only control your life and yourself and you feel you failed at that because you lost control of your marriage. I've seen the comments you've been making against all women on this forum. You need to get some counseling. I am not picking on you. I am concerned about you and concerned for the woman you may eventually take this anger out on. It's been too many months for you to still be screaming against women like you've been doing. The fact that you've been spoken to by 2 women now is what's gotten you the most upset.

    "Amazing,truly amazing all this crap because I did one nice thing."
    No, it's because you keep throwing tantrums.

    I have a business to run and my whole income is from my sole efforts.There is a never ending litany of bad news  on a daily basis .I dont have time to waste doing someone else's leg work .Take responsibility for your life and look some things up from time to time.When a question contains a whole sentence and a complete thought then its possible to respond to it .Some questions are just no brainer s open a phone book look it up dont be lazy .Find some one having the same experience and ask them ,thats a good source of knowledge .


    We don't have the luxury of doing that bluesman, that is why there are pages and pages of unanswered questions. I came on this forum to help answer some of them, the best way I can, either knowledge or by googling. I don't complain about it either. Please stop belittling me for even being here. This is an important part of my life, I am retired and the people here are my friends now. If you don't like what we do, you don't have to keep coming back. If you think people are asking stupid questions, you don't have to answer any of them and you don't even have to come here and read those "stupid questions".

    If you're so busy with your business and your life then stick to them and forget about us.

    Colleen ,Appears that no good deed goes unpunished . I could be really rude here but what is the point ????? The majority of these questions arent worthy of third graders . People who want life handed to them too lazy or stupid to do their own research. Page after page of crap posted months ago unanswered because they arent even a complete sentence . You are correct I am not happy here I need discourse with people who have more than a two digit IQ. If you wish to feed your self esteem by appearing to be the smartest one in the 3rd grade ,you will be right at home here .Rest assured I am done being nice to any one ,the human race is on its own ,the entire planet can kiss my ass


    "If you wish to feed your self esteem by appearing to be the smartest one in the 3rd grade ,you will be right at home here"

    If a comment like this is what it takes for you to feel better about yourself and your displeasure, then fine. But, it is not why I'm here. There are a great many questions asked that take research. Questions you apparently miss. I answer all questions that can be answered because that is what this forum is about. 3rd grade level or up, I answer them. I'm done playing nice too. Don't be a dick. Again, she did not call your gift sour grapes. It was more your attitude about the Ask a question, get an answer idea behind this forum.

    Who do you think answers all those pages of old questions - Colleen and I. We're of the few who take the time or go to the trouble of seeing that these questions don't just sit there unanswered.

    If you're bored, don't just complain - take up the challenge of answering some of the old questions too and help us out.j

    You've been here since March and you've only answered 158 questions, Colleen has answered 8,306 - I have answered 6,642. I don't think you're in a position to criticize anyone.

    It was a gift ,something nice .I tried to do something friendly and you call it sour grapes.The majority of the questions here are not  worth the discourse. Seems no one has spell check and is simply to lazy to do their  own research. I guess none of them have Google.Its hard to imagine anyone so lacking in imagination that they are unable to find there own way through life . Now as to you who ever you are take your sour grapes opinion  and your pompous attitude and shove them where the sun dont shine . If that is unclear for you kindly kiss my a..


    Sorry blues, I have to correct you here. akaQA is a questions/answers site, not a discussion forum. If you do not like answering questions no matter how trivial they may seem to you, then this is not the type of forum you will be happy in. Eggplant's sour grapes comment was directed at your complaint about the questions here. I answer a ton of questions I find boring or lacking in imagination but they are questions and we are here to answer them or at least that should be the reason. Discussion of any question is allowed to a point and within reason but again, akaQA is not a discussion forum. I do not see "sour grapes" as a pompous statement.

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