    At my office to-day at lunch. - Question, How do you make people with a strong religion back ground understand what an open minded person is. ?

    +6  Views: 874 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    An open-minded person is someone who is willing to consider ideas, opinions and arguments purely on their merit.


    Excellent answer, says it all so concisely.

    Thanks Shoo!

    well said Pamela :)

    Thanks, Mel!

    Here's a challenge for you, Try that question on Grandpa.Lotsa luck!



    Hey Col,How are ya?

    I'm great Tommy. Hope all is well you with you! :)

    you cant tell anyone anything they dont understand or want to hear. some people are afraid of new ideas/things. not only that, they were raised that way. raise up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    They think they are right and you are wrong, wrong,wrong!  Some where judgmental is running around in my mind.  There are three things that are best not to be discussed in social situations.

    Sex, Religion and Politics....these are not my idea just what I was told a long time ago.


    Tell them you dont have to change your life to be saved; you have to be saved to change your life.. They should take you as you are. No judgments.


    Pup,hope you are doing well. You are on my prayer list.

    Thanks ben.. I am working on it.. Ihad a good cry today.. First time in years.

    would you call a muslem extremeist with a deep faith in islam carrying a suicide bomb on the way to the market open minded?


    Well they will be when the bomb goes off.

    the last thing going through their mind would be a piece of shratnel

    As it tore their mind open ;)

    No. I'd call him an ignorant criminal just like I would Timothy McVeigh who was Christian terrorist. They both share one common belief system.

    Most Christians and Muslims are peaceful and law abiding citizens.

    Nope. And neither are brainwashed people. Muslim extremists are brainwashed and so are some of the fanatical Christians. They are the ones who kept everyone in the dark ages and persecuted those who showed the way to science and better ways. They wanted all to believe in a flat earth and that everything, including the sun revolved around the earth! Those are the ones who had lost their way and fanatical Christians have also lost the way. Their forebears instigated the inquisition and killed in the name of God. Burnt people alive on the stake. Speak! Is that the way to God? Do we still have to continue to persecute people for what they are and what they believe?

    Never Explain - Your friends don't need it and your enemies will not believe you any way.

    Elbert Hubbard





    There are a lot of people who are open minded from all walks of life. It just depends on the person really. I would just tell the person you are talking to that you don't believe that he/she is listening earnestly to your point of view and explain to them that you would appreciate if they would truly try to understand your point of view.

    Sometimes we just get so wrapped up in our side of the discussion or what we are going to say in response, that we forget to listen. Some people like me are a little A.D.D., if you know what I mean?

    I think that most people will listen to what you have to say if you express the importance of it, otherwise let them know that you won't talk about it to them if they aren't going to (at least try to see your viewpoint?) Hope this helps.


    I agree with your answer. The way I see it though is, that you sometimes have re-direct their focus upon their listening to you, by asking them what you have just said and asking them for their interpretation of it, and then point out whether it coincides with what you meant.
    It's like teaching someone a concept on an initial or preliminary level, and then working it on a "why" and "how" level in order for them to get a handle on it.

    I am totaly open minded,100 per,cent,its just that the people on here are totaly,wrong,in thier evaluation,of Grandad,he is the best,{Grandad forever,}

    Den, are you trying to get a ticket for heaven? As much as GP thinks God favors him, He really did not make him ticket master so GP really can't send you a ticket.

    No, we are not wrong about the thumper. He really needs to go find himself a Christian forum.

    @Shootah, very good point. I was recently speaking with two people in a heated debate and they both had two different interpretations of what had been said...

    It's strange the difference between what is being said and what we actually hear or interpret.

    Hahahaha!  Hahahahahaha!!! Haahahahahaha!

    When you find out, let me know OK? ;)

    Merely because a person is religious does not make them not be open minded...religion is a personal thing...many folks are offended by it...actually I wish I could be like them...I'm too analytical

    you can lead a horse to water,but it may not drink,especially when  its tied to a post.

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