    Would you like to see my current dog? Too bad you are anyway. If you don`t like dogs don`t look.


    +6  Views: 661 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    they all have that intence look!

    16 Answers

    Ah she is adorable if the dogs dont fall in love with I have I just love boarder Collies one lives next door her name is Nell she is in love with me and i with her she is a darlin I bet she loves the water dont know a Collie yet that does not like water lol

    I just showed my dog the picture of Inca. I think he's in love.

    Beautiful Dog,and beatiful scenery. What a life.

    beautiful. working dog. good for you sharing your kind dog with others. 

    Very nice

    Typical winters day where I live note the date 21st July middle of our winter.

    SHE, too good looking to be a bloke is a Border Collie Belgian Shepherd cross and her name is "Inca" as in the Inca indians.

    You probably know from my previous babblings "Inca" is a therapy dog and visits a aged care facility each week with me.
    I am getting worried they keep asking if I am a resident.

    cool!she looks like stress is the last thing she/he is worried aboout!

    Having some fun in the sun and surf I see. What breed is he/she?

    Cool doggie, nice pic as well. I love going to the dogie park with my brother, niece and nephews. Thy have to mini greyhounds. They are so full of energy and have a great little personalities. I wish I had my own right now but It's forbidden where I live. I do feed a stray cat though...

    SHe is amazing...

    Does she swim with the sharks?

    No the sharks are frightened of her,

    No in fact she does not swim in the ocean, she loves to go in to belly high but no more, she loves walking around the rocks at low tide looking for what has been left in the pools.

    There is a tidal lake where we go and she swims there in the calm water.

    I only have four chickens, and I don't think I can take them to the beach.



    my doggie is a pure white bull dog,

    Leeroy, the "minature" greyhounds are called Whippets in Australia, and you are right they are fun loving beautiful little "people"

    Did you know that the Whippet is where Greyhound Coaches got its` name?

    The original bus service was in a Whippet truck converted to carry passengers. When the business took off a name was wanted and as people referred to the one bus as the "Greyhound" because of the Whippet dog emblem on the radiator cap well the rest is history as they say.

    Stay well.

    hey good shot . My fefe is stuffet on the front yeard but i think some cats at night are tring to ripe her apart.  wy wy i dont under stand wy

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