    I am in a much better mood this week.. Thank you all for putting up with me last week.

    I felt like my world was closing in on me and everyone I thought I could count on walked away while I suffacated. It was all me, No one did anything to me, I was just overwhelmed.. I am so glad I have all of you.. The ones that offer Goddly advice, the onnes that make me laugh, and the ones that give their all. Thank you for the prayers, compassion and tolerance.

    Anyone else need this family we have built on AKA?

    +7  Views: 787 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    Jenn, like I've said before,"You're the best!" We all enjoy your contribution to the site and I'm glad to see you back to your normal sweet self. We all have our ups and downs Jenn and it's good to see that you are aware enough to consider everyone's feelings.

    I noticed a couple of enigmatic posts from you last week & didn't quite know how to answer (Or help).I'm really glad you feel better jenn. Soldier on!

    Years ago research on rats shower that rats that were wired to a switch to zap the pleasure center in the brain would result in rats tapping the switch until they fell over in exhaustion. Any volunteers? 


    i never understand what your answers have to do woth the questions.. But you are very insightful and entertaining.

    No, we'll leave it to the big rat!

    No, thanks. We'll leave it to the big rat!

    I'm opposed to doing research on animals. They don't deserve that kind of suffering.

    I am glad you  are better.There is one thing with M.S that's common depression because you are missing at times the stuff every one takes for grant and when it really bugs me I get silly you have noticed at times and GOD help's a great deal to keep me going everyday.



    Thank for the thumb ups

    Jenn I am glad you are feeling a bit better and it is wonderful that you are back! I know everyone on this site loves and respects you a great deal and of course i do, and cant wait to start reading you answers once again keep it up Girl you know you can you have just proved it and I am still saying my preyers for you  LOL

    Were so glad that you are feeling better,We all Thank God for speedy recovery,Amen

    pms`n were we? im so glad i never have to go through that again!

    Hi Jenn, So happy your feeling better now. We all get thoes days. God Bless you.

    Nice to see you back Jenn  (((hug)))

    no problem,you are worth it....good people are hard to find and you have to sometimes make allowances for little mood swings.

    Glad you are in a better head space.  * *



    most people bring their troubles on theirself.  I need my frineds on this site, b/c I don't have ANY FAMILY !!   I only have a brother in another state who doesn't pay any attention to me. Ditto for his neice and nephew.  I find that by joining a church, you can have a church family. They visiit you when you're sick or have surgery and they bring you food. .......When your close loved one dies, they ask you over for dinner; and / or come and see you and bring you food; and they ask you out to get you out of the house.


    Yes I bring alot of my troubles on myself.

    i have been away  for a bit   must have missed  some things  got back on this evening and  see  colleen is  miffed  Jenn is  over her  episode and am soo ooo  happy  we're  alltogether    YAAAAAhhh


    LOL.. I am glad you missed it.. I was kinda witchy with a capital B.

    we all have our moments    LOL

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