    Should a unhealthy obese child be taken away from their parents by the government?

    Removing a child from the home has long term tramatic, emotional effects, do you think this is just to extreme? It will emotionally scar a child for life, isn't there a better way to solve the obesity problem without the government taking our children?


    I think the government just keeps putting their noses where they don't belong.

    +4  Views: 860 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    No. The government schould not have the power to seperate children from theire parents, because they are obese That would cause emotional harm to both parents and children. I agree with Papitou that each community schould have a program about nutrition. Unfortunately there are too many families that do not have the means to buy healthy food for a child that is obese, especially now with food prices going over the top.They need help from the state or government or other programs in the community.

    I guess I'm just old school, I believe that people should have the choice to do with their lives and bodies, what ever they choose to do. Once government gets involved in every aspect of our lives, it's a slippery slope to a similar society that existed in Nazi Germany.

    If the government offered services to help people that would be a different story, but once they start imposing their laws on our food and eating habits, that's just to far. They need to stay out of our homes. They need to stop trying to control every other aspect of our lives, because that definitely isn't anything that resembles true freedom.


    yes we should have the right to do what we want with our bodies but it's not our right to distoy a childs health, come on when a child weighs more then the parent or cant bend to do up a shoe lace dose that not brake your heart? i know it brakes mine.

    The problem I have is every program the government starts saying that,"Were only going to penalize the worst offenders." the next thing you know they are taking kids who are 40lbs overweight, then 30 etc. etc.

    If you allow them to take your rights soon there will be no rights...

    NO. Education should be offered instead plus, the gov. should look into why the problem exist.... You guy are right, it should be MYOB.....

    I agree, many families need help and advice from outside - rather than threats of sanctioning. I suppose that especially obese parents, who follow an unhealthy diet themselves, are prone to teaching their kids wrong nutritional habits.

    I believe there should be free courses on nutrition for future parents. These could be offered by the community, or by volunteer nutritionists, nutrition students, etc., on behalf of the state and its healthcare system. It would make sense if, for example, the gynaecologist who monitors the pregnancy of a woman, spread the word about these courses among mothers-to-be. Of course the introduction of such courses would cost the government money. Yet, on the long run, I think it would save the state many expenses they would have coping with the high incidence of all sorts of illnesses and disabilities among obese citizens. Apart from that, it's pretty sure that parents will be happier knowing their kids can become healthy adults.

    So yes, an effort has to be made, but I think it's worth it.



    Are you serious?!! - how many orphans would there be? More health promotion would be good with the help of their doctor and medical advisers etc. as preveiously said. Where in the world would the government take these children. This is kind of a big subject involving many issues.. 

    No.  Taking a child away from their parents is beyond traumatic ... parents in these situations are limited in the knowlege of nutrition ... the family needs help as a whole.  Education is a priority.  If the children are not eating well, the parents are not eating well... at this moment my son is crawling around on the desk ...I am serious.  I need to pay attention to him.  Have a wonderful evening everyone including Geroge, who is finding the most icky questions to drag up... You know you are George ... on purpose for effect!   And Benthere ... I am not effected by your poopy-woopy ways!  Ha!


    Woot are you an owl?

    I do give a Hoot !

    If that makes me a Hoot be it.

    No .. government should stay out of peoples business and families when it comes to freedom. It isn't against the law to be fat. At least not for the moment. It's a sad thing that a parent wouldn't do something to correct their childs condition no matter what subject of health it is concerned about. A life of a child is a terrible loss for a parent. Some are in denial.

    I think the parents should be taken too.

    I think the problem is most definitely with the parent first, some parents just cant say no to their children, they think by giving them what they want it's better for the child and is making them happy. The problem with that is you wind up with a spoiled brat who expects to get everything they want in life handed to them on a silver platter.

    Thanks for all the good answers guys.


    I think government should go for a more realistic solution to obesity, such as banning junk food ads, increase awareness of healthy diets, etc and leave people with choices for their lifestyle, rather than making choices for them. Removing an obese child from the family is a narrrow-minded stupid approach, leaving deep psychological scar in child and his/her family. Unless GVN has spare money and prepare to cover the indefinite cost of psych service/medications for the child and family for the rest of their life!

    At what point do you rescue the child ? Just because a parent wants their child to look like a fat tick about to pop doesnt mean its child abuse , or does it.? When you feed a child enchaladas and fried burritoes all the time they will get fat. It could be their culture to eat that way , or just plain damn lazy to fix a real dinner for the family. Whatever the reason ,  probably would be violating the parents civil rights. They have the right to treat their kids like crap if they want to.

    The matter of emotional scaring is the main reason for a no. And yes, we don't need more controls in family matters. But where is the local church and the help from schools.

    Only friends and family can know what the issues are in the obese person. It could be from Physical, medical problems. There's not much loving care in our society these days, but this should be a matter of help from society.


    I don't know. I see those very fat little kids with their very fat parents and ... I just don't know. It's getting worse as food gets more expensive and parents get more frustrated and less able to cope and buy the healthy food they might read about and know about.

    Look around in the supermarket. So many sweets. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Fat. Fat. Sad. Michelle Obama looks good doing jumping jacks with the kids. 


    Good point, times have changed people don't cook homemade meals anymore nearly as much as they used to. People eat out more and eat affordable junk food. I still believe that true freedom is the freedom to do what makes you happy, the government needs to keep out of our homes. They shouldn't have that kind of control over people,"Absolute power corrupts, absolutely."

    we talk about child abuse as if it's only hitting them. as a parent it's our job to make sure they are healthy. don't feed your kid shit food when its easier and better giving them a apple instead of crap. God dam i know some cases are medical but when i see a fat kid eating three cheese burgers for lunch and soft drinks i want to scream. so yes if a "parent" is too effen lazy to feed there kid healthy foods then the child sould be removed untill the parent does a cause and can prove they have waken up. i have five children and they get maccas once amonth and but even on there birthdays the only junk they eat is the cake the rest is healthy.


    Please do not swear here. I will remind you that we have children reading this forum.

    I wouldn't mind making people attend a healthy weight loss class or something like that, but having the right to take a child from a parent? How could you trust a government to do the right thing they pay 16 dollars for muffins.

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