Answers: 2
why do people lie?
Answers: 8 Views: 575 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

1st Whom decides what is the Truth & what is a Lie?  My Truth might be Your Lie & vice versa.   Then there's combinations of Truth & Lies.  That can be 50/50 or combinations like 60/40, 70/30 & so on.  In other words Lies & Truths are based on Your Personal Preception(s) of Reality!  As for Little White Lies I've told those for others & had several of them come back onto Me, making Me end up looking like the Bad Guy, when I would have never told a Lie for Myself.  So when You Lie for someone else You take a risk that it will fall apart & make You look like the Bad Guy.  So think long & hard before You decide to Lie for someone else!  My best advice is don't do it.  Even if there's nothing for You to gain out of it!  Either tell the truth, or say nothing!

Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
why do men have nipples
Answers: 19 Views: 1067 Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

Nipples on either Males or Females consist of Erectile Tissues.  They can provide Sexual Arousal in the Male & Female.  Which would include the release of Hormones & Endorphins. As for any Practical Reasons the Female can produce Milk for the Infants which is Superior to the man made formulas.  It Helps to Boost the Infants Immune System.   As far as I know the Male cannot produce Milk. Nor despite the Urban Legends the Male cannot  become Pregnant.  They can be Pierced in the Male & Female, but this is reported to cause a decrease in Sensitivity.  There is also a risk of secondary infection!

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

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