Answers: 544
Help! Grasshopers are eating my garden! Any home remedies?
Answers: 6 Views: 2391 Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

catch them chocolate cover them and eat them

Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
How do you like this story? Scientists in England, have created human-animal hybrid embryos, in secret.
Answers: 5 Views: 1950 Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

Now i know why i never liked eggplant when i was young.

Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
How do you like this story? Scientists in England, have created human-animal hybrid embryos, in secret.
Answers: 5 Views: 1950 Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

Now i know why i never liked eggplant when i was young.

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
Hey Baby Boomers what was your favorite car ?
Answers: 18 Views: 2305 Rating: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

My favorite was my 73 nova ss.Had too sell it 2 years ago when my wife left me.


Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
Are you for or against medical testing on animals?
Answers: 27 Views: 3522 Rating: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

Everyday i see at least ten different law firms suing drug companies.Why because the drugs that they tested and killed all those poor animals with.Are killing the people that they are suppose to be helping.So kill a million animals make a hundred new drugs then take 99 of them off the shelves.And sue the drug company that killed all the animals for nothing.well that really doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
Are you for or against medical testing on animals?
Answers: 27 Views: 3522 Rating: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

Why don't you take your 100 monkeys to the abortion clinics and save the little baby's that are being murdered by the millions.I've had about 7 amputations caused by bone cancer. You can't eat drink or breathe the air anymore because man has to pollute everything.It's a fact mankind has to destroy everything that he touches.All for the love of money.I watched them milk a cow that had puss coming from her tits if you think that's safe then why not go to Japan and drink some radio active water.Oh no you wouldn't do that you know better.But you'll drink milk from that pussy tit.So don't swear at me i just voiced my opinion.

Rating: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
Are you for or against medical testing on animals?
Answers: 27 Views: 3522 Rating: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

Why don't you take your 100 monkeys to the abortion clinics and save the little baby's that are being murdered by the millions.I've had about 7 amputations caused by bone cancer. You can't eat drink or breathe the air anymore because man has to pollute everything.It's a fact mankind has to destroy everything that he touches.All for the love of money.I watched them milk a cow that had puss coming from her tits if you think that's safe then why not go to Japan and drink some radio active water.Oh no you wouldn't do that you know better.But you'll drink milk from that pussy tit.So don't swear at me i just voiced my opinion.

Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
If all the Christians suddenly disappeared off this site would you be happy?
Answers: 28 Views: 3827 Rating: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

Don't worry leeroy i'f JESUS comes tonight.I'll be right there along side you.


Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
Do you think the man who tried to pay a disputed $25.00 doctor's bill in pennies should be charged with disorderly conduct? Pennies are a legal US tender are they not?
Answers: 19 Views: 1651 Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
If you can't use them to pay a bill.Then get rid of them Ill take all i can get.
Rating: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
Do you think the man who tried to pay a disputed $25.00 doctor's bill in pennies should be charged with disorderly conduct? Pennies are a legal US tender are they not?
Answers: 19 Views: 1651 Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
I got a fine for fishing in a private pond with the owners permission.Because a trout stream ran into the pond i got a$25.00 fine i paid it in pennies.he came on private property so i took it too court.I lost can't beat the system.
Rating: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

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