Answers: 390
Migraine Headaches!!!What is the best way to get relief or rid of a migraine headache????
Answers: 10 Views: 3499 Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

There are effective meds like Elivil and Zomig. I have to lay in a dark quit room with a cold wash cloth over my forehead. I have heard there is some tea that shortens them but never tried it and do not recall the name. Go luck.

Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
How many views and answers should a Question receive before they should get an automatic single vote if they have not received even 1 ?
Answers: 1 Views: 547 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

I say any question with over 300 view and at least 3 answers that have not received even 1 vote for the question should automatically receive 1 single up vote automatically after the question has been around for at least 4 weeks and no longer than 5 weeks.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Are you safe? Do you feel safe? Do you think the news media is trying to scare us? Why?
Answers: 6 Views: 1554 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

No, none is ever totally safe b/c to many things are out of control can happen in a millisecond. Being prepared is how you gain some security. Life insurance, home owners, disability insurance etc.. I love firearms and have a few along with a few thousands bullets for each caliber I own. I have solid wooden doors and extra long screws in all the out side doors. Even have a security system and a few other "modification to my house". Do I feel protected, not absolutely. But, more than not. As mentioned the right of eminent domain, the city of Federal Govt. could decide to build a highway though my neighborhood. There is no protection from that. Our government luckily has checks and balances to keep one part of the government from taking to much power away from us, the people. Each party uses scare tactics to influence our votes. I am a straight down the middle independent. I see Republicans using these scare tactics more on international issues and Democrats on domestic issues, just my opinion. Do not let your emotions over ride your sound judgement. Look up as many different view points to gain an understanding on why one party uses a scare tactic. The only real power we can gain is knowledge and that will always guide you the right way if you are thoroughly educated on the issue.

Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
Tattoos? Like em or not? Is there such thing as to many? Are there different rules for men and women?
Answers: 22 Views: 2820 Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

I know the oldest found human frozen in Switzerland is dated to 60,000 years old. He has tattoos on his body. I believe there will and and tattoos have been apart of our culture for eternity. The reasons why people get them various. I do not particularly like them on woman I date unless there is just one small one that can be easily cover up with normal close.

Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
How much should i spend on a wedding gift.
Answers: 6 Views: 1511 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

If they are very good friends of yours then I would look for a gift on their registry for around $50 and give them $100 or %50 in cash in a card. That depends on what you can afford. If fairly good friend no more than $100-$70 total and if not very good friends a gift on their registry for no more than $50. Cash is never a bad way to go?

Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
Is it bad grammar to use 'off of' anywhere within a sentence?
Answers: 7 Views: 2701 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Yes you use " I got off "THE"... The next word after off should be the , an, a etc.. b/c the next word is going to be a nown.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Have You Hit A Dead End At Work Or In Your Relationship?
Answers: 5 Views: 2578 Rating: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

Yes in both. The big difference is I got paid for working and it did not seem like a waste of my time. In my relationship, I had nearly 6 years invested in it and when it ended I felt like I wasted that time with her. It was also a financially draining break-up.

Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
If you where walking down the street and saw someone being mugged would u help or walk on by
Answers: 13 Views: 2057 Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

With out a doubt I would get involved. I have done it before when 2 purse snatchers were trying to take a woman's purse away. I ran an slammed my elbow into the closest guy knocking him down. The second guy was just noticing what was happening when I punched him square in the nose and blood just poured out. He did not want any more and the 2 ran off and got into a car and drove away. Never could get the licence plate # but, this poor lady was in tears and shook-en up. She thanked me over and I felt so bad for her. The sad thing was there were about 14 people watching this and did nothing I know of. The police came and I gave my description and my account of what happened.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
How can i get a killer flat stomach?
Answers: 5 Views: 2943 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Both good answers above. First eat a low Carb diet meaning low complex Carbs life potatoes, breed, pasta and most everything made of wheat. Keep you caloric intake to UNDER 2500 calories a day closer to 2,000/day. Next aerobic exercises 5 times a week or more. Start off with 15 minutes of the bike or treadmill, stair stepper etc.. and gradually build up to 60 minutes a day after the 1st month. Continue this for the next 2 months and keep increasing the resistance and time if you are able. Next ab crunches, start off low and build uo to as many as you can 3 sets of them. Then your lateral obliques, side abs, both sides as many as you can and do 3 sets of these, try to get up to doing these everyday. This is one muscle group you can do daily. Cut your sugar intake and fat intake as low as possible. Remember fruits and vegetables are carbs but, not complex carbs and eat as much of them as you like, no one gets far on vetable and friut. Last keep your lean protein up, chicken, fish, turkey and lean beef and steaks. You can do it!

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Do you think it is not manly to watch soap operas ?
Answers: 6 Views: 1631 Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

It does not make you less of a man but, other men might tease you b/c mostly woman watch them. Night time serious like 90210 and Melrose Place were basically night time soaps, and lots of guys used to watch them.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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