Answers: 6
Im considering moving to Canada, how do I go about locating ideal area for me?
Answers: 3 Views: 553 Rating: 0 Posted: 10 years ago

hi there great idea!!!  we have such a huge country with every type of climent , population, terrain, job skills required and so on, what u need to do is this, first list what u have to offer, ie, what have u  in the way of job skills or business skills, and so on, basically u do ? then go and put down what u require from a certain area, for example if your not a farmer, or miner or tradesmen, then u probably don't want the prairie region, if u want a large population base, and u have a wide set of skills that don't include farming  go to one of our major centers like Toronto or Montreal, Vancouver, and so on, as well lean as much as u can about each of the provinces as we are all different and what we produce is as wide ranging as our country is vast. same goes for businesses,  I happened to  own a construction business and an import company, well for that u need a population base for the import company to make things a little easier on you,  again, what is it u want out of  life? is it a quite or just vast beauty we have that all too, in many many areas.

think things over long and hard and ask as many Canadians as u can about what each area has to offer, that way you will more than likely be sure first time and who knows, no matter were u pick I am sure you will want to explore or even perhaps move to a different area as we truly t all


hope this helps

a very  proud Canadian




Rating: 3 Posted: 10 years ago
I need a phone which is able to use three sim-cards at one time
Answers: 2 Views: 418 Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago


the really big secret here and this goes for anyone who travels is that you can buy for a very reasonable price, cell phones that have up to 4 spots for sim cards, which mean you just buy the sim card for whatever area u need, leave it in the phone and simply transfer on your phone from sim to sim depending on your location, thus preventing roaming charges or any other of the obscene fees many people have to pay, this is one of the best kept secrets in the business, as I know many people who will simply keep buying new phones at crazy prices to try and get around paying the high fees and sorry to tell you but if your an apple fan, your screwed my friend since they wont allow it to happen as they don't have room.

I know all about this because I am an importer of many items and cell  phones and electronics are but a few of them,  hope this helps and saves u money and if I can be of any help please let me know, I will gladly share any wisdom I may have. just ask away


take care and good luck



Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago
Answers: 2 Views: 543 Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

you might want to uninstall the safari itself and when u reinstall it, don't allow all the other items that tend to tag along go with it, you will see that u have about 4 different boxes were u can accept or decline, they are not referring to safari they are referring to items like this tool bar, another  option is to go to the toolbar heading, uncheck the toolbar u don't want to use and hit the remove toolbar button you will find there, or u can go to uninstall programmes and simply remove the offending toolbar, hope this helps and you get the happiness your looking for


Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago
Who can recommend to me some free and high quality of the B2B website?
Answers: 1 Views: 524 Rating: 0 Posted: 10 years ago

hi just to clarify, are u asking for contacts, are  you looking for some good b2b sites, or are u looking for some good products or suppliers or are you looking to buy? sorry just trying to get to the bottom of your question so I may be able to help since I am in the trade, thanks and be well

Rating: 0 Posted: 10 years ago
Some kids are bullies. Some people are bullies. What makes them act that way. Why do they feel good when they hurt other people?
Answers: 11 Views: 1019 Rating: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

hi just a few thoughts, I have been bullied and beaten up, badly by  them, and in turn I must be honest I too have bullied others in my very distant past, I think that it all stems from a very high sense of insecurity, which is why you almost never see them act this way alone, they need the gangs, so to speak approval to make them selves feel good, and the few times I did it , I soon realized it was my insecurities and my issues that made me act out, now believe me it is not easy to admit that I did bully some people but it is the truth, I soon grew out of it, and it didn't take me long to realize I was simply doing it to get back at people for it being done to me, now this is absolutely crazy thinking, for it wasn't anyone's fault but the person who was bulling me, not anyone else's, so I  just didn't do it, a lot comes with age and maturity, as well as being self aware of our own actions, in fact I turned it all the way around to become the person who would step in whenever I saw someone get bullied by anyone , it just made me feel sick to my stomach and the only thing worse is not doing anything at all and to let it simply happen. now as a side note , I see many people say use white light and prayer and those things, and while I am sure that is what u believe in, and maybe it actually worked for you, but I  can guarantee you that it will not work in all places, and that the only thing bullies truly understand is either waling away from them , or dealing with them head on in private away from there friends, but whatever one believes is just fine, but if it was just a simple matter of prayer and white light then no one would have cancer and little children wouldn't be starving to death by the tens of thousands every day, as I can most assuredly tell you that they are not asking for their lot in life and that they are probably praying with all their might , yet nothing seems to fix their problem, as well I also agree with tommyh there, yuppers don't mess with a guy in a tool belt, lol


Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago
I installed a new picture for my screensaver. When viewed up close (on my lap), the pixels are very
Answers: 2 Views: 3477 Rating: 0 Posted: 10 years ago

hi go to the settings site on your pc. there u will see disply . on there you will find how to change the screen settings, usually go to the highest one that allows you to see the picture clearly without being compromised, after this simply hit the apply button and it should stay in that ratio,.

however there is a caveat to all of this, you pc needs to run at a certain appearance and performance setting, if you find you have to keep changing it back and forth from your scrreeensaver to adjust for proper running of your pc,m then either get a new picture or when u find a new screen saver make sure it is one that allows for the higest settings on your pc, as well you can access literally thousands of screen savers from free sites,

if it is a picture of family or something like that which is personal and u happened to use a camera make sure you use a camera of at least 10 mp to allow for maximum clarity and it wont make u change the settings on your pc all the time either



hopes this helps



Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

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