    Im considering moving to Canada, how do I go about locating ideal area for me?

    0  Views: 556 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    As a Canadian, I can tell you that this is a very large country so this link, is just a place for you to begin your research. Good luck.

    Click here.....





    hi there great idea!!!  we have such a huge country with every type of climent , population, terrain, job skills required and so on, what u need to do is this, first list what u have to offer, ie, what have u  in the way of job skills or business skills, and so on, basically u do ? then go and put down what u require from a certain area, for example if your not a farmer, or miner or tradesmen, then u probably don't want the prairie region, if u want a large population base, and u have a wide set of skills that don't include farming  go to one of our major centers like Toronto or Montreal, Vancouver, and so on, as well lean as much as u can about each of the provinces as we are all different and what we produce is as wide ranging as our country is vast. same goes for businesses,  I happened to  own a construction business and an import company, well for that u need a population base for the import company to make things a little easier on you,  again, what is it u want out of  life? is it a quite or just vast beauty we have that all too, in many many areas.

    think things over long and hard and ask as many Canadians as u can about what each area has to offer, that way you will more than likely be sure first time and who knows, no matter were u pick I am sure you will want to explore or even perhaps move to a different area as we truly t all


    hope this helps

    a very  proud Canadian





    love Canada and Canadians ♥

    Why are you job, climate preference...?


    These would definitely influence where you live in Canada. Each city will be different so it's important to choose a place according to your preferences and needs. I am moving from Canada to Ohio and it was tricky finding the area that would be the best for my preferences. I think it will be a good move though, I'm happy about my decisions.

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